Caribou Gear Tarp

Powerball 1.9 Billion Tomorrow

1billion I'd probably keep things quiet until I got things figured out but Hunttalk bear hunt would probably be catered...except Geralds jalapeño poppers. I mean there's always too much food anyway but nothing hits an empty stomach like grilled poppers

Then I'd invest in suppressors to help save the last of my hearing

Consider me your personal jalapeño popper chef when you win…😄
Your odds Of dying in a fiery car accident on the way to go cash that winning ticket are greater than actually winning…

I wouldn’t tell a soul. I’d probably live every day in paranoia secretly. Lol.

They say if you hang with 9 broke fools you’re the 10th, so I’d start looking for different friends probably, and invest in a lengthy Smith future.
Can't catch fish if you don't wet y'er line... as the saying goes. Well - 1 in 290,000,000 to win so looooooooooong shot. Either way, if you don't put in for a favored district, area, unit drawing, or special draw: moose, sheep, etc, - you're NOT going to draw - period. ;)

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