Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Polygamy vs. Homosexual Marriage

I live -as far as I'm concerned- WAAYY too close to where these homo idealists spew their propaganda from. From what I can gather, they consider it a "human/civil rights" and a "pursuit of happiness" issue... instead of a sanctioned, protected, tolerated sexual perversion -like prison-love. But, in today's enlightened, tolerant, nonjudgemental society, opinions like mine are considered "hateful" -not truthful.
If I remember my Mormon history correctly, Brigham Young and his followers literally fled some Eastern state they were settled in, fearing for their very lives in the early 1840's because of this polyigamy thing. After founding Salt Lake City and B. Young died, the Church of the LDS toned it down and stopped being poligamists, and fellow fronteirsmen stopped stringing them up. Today, Mormons generally are some of the most decent people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and doing business with as far as I'm concerned. I have NO idea what these nutjobs in Texas think they are.
Just like any religion, you have splits. This is a fundamental split off of the Mormon church. To the rest of the world's knowledge there is no legitimate tie to the church headquarters in Salt Lake and these people.

Ok, before I go Mormon bashing, let me state these are simply facts that can be researched and documented. These are not meant to erode, or destroy anything about the character of individual Mormons or their belief system. I have problems with the way my own denomination has handled things as well, and will be glad to share those as well. When we quit looking at what we legitimately support and believe in with a watchful eye and support something simply because we are part of it, we encounter dangerous territory. I.e. the Hollywood example from above.

This split has come because of the church leadership's stance on Polygamy. The problem is that several things don't line up. When the Mormons left Independence Missourri for Utah they were practicing polygamy, and Joseph Smith had set it up as the norm for people following his teachings. When you sit down and ask a Mormon why they quit practicing polygamy they will answer stating that when they moved to Utah there were simply not enough Men to go around, and therefore they initiated polygamy to care for the women. Now the records show that when the handcart movement started there were actually more men practicing mormonism than women. This creates a disparity between what people have been taught their whole lives, and what really happened, which in turn creates a void for someone to fill, i.e. the person who says they are the true Mormons, and leads a polygamy practicing group to a confine.

Where the next problem comes is that Joseph Smith has been quoted in numerous sources saying that polygamy is the key to salvation. If the person who started your religion says that this is key, and the hierarchy says it suddenly isn't this creates another void that must be dealt with. Suddenly when Utah is told that they cannot achieve statehood unless they quit sanctioning polygamist marriages, the leadership of the church has a vision and says that one woman one man is the new way to go. Now, the hardcore Joseph Smith only guys are going to do what we see happening in Texas right now.

Again, not meant to be offensive, but this is how it happens, and chances are it will happen again. To these people, this will simply be labeled a persecution, and therefore reason to stick it out and continue because their reward is in heaven.
What would happen if that compound was "all" illegals....ACLU/MALDEF,La Raza... Al not so Sharpton... Jesse Jackson... Geraldo... would all be screaming RACISM!.....Anyone think some "civil rights were violated?
I'm pretty sure the am'blance chasers are gonna start screaming that soon enough CJ. This thing looks, on the surface, appears a ginormous clusterfark.
Anyone think some "civil rights were violated?

shit like this normally spikes the rental truck and fertilizer sales.
I'm not sure if this is accurate as it is second hand knowledge, but only one of the women in the compound was married, the rest were collecting wealfare...

This should take a great burden off the welfare doles if its true...
"This should take a great burden off the welfare doles if its true..."

How is that Chsr?????

The court costs for this cluster are going to be off the charts, and who's paying to babysit the kids right now?
They look more like rejects from a "Pillsbury Bake off":)

This is the funniest site on the web, hands down. Comments like that are more than I can stand. I will start laughing about it as it crosses my mind an hour from now.

Don't tell everyone how funny things can get over here, otherwise we will have those MM moaners over here thinking they know what "Funny," is.

Good one CJ. LMAO.
True, it looks like quite a few cultists' rights have been violated. No doubting that- all it took was an alledged phone call from someone at the compound claiming to be 14 or 16 years old saying that she was being molested. Turns out she is 26. At least it didn't turn into a Branch Davidian's BBQ like what happened in Waco. What everyone is saying about the costs, the sueing and the lawyers is true, too. I can already hear the thunder of thousands of highly polished lawyer loafers chasing after ambulances on this one.
California Homo update: Just so ya all know; seems like the California Legislature is currently being lobbied AGAIN for a Gay Marriage proposition vote and we all get to vote on this garbage AGAIN. It'll be on the ballot within a year or two -AGAIN. These rump rangers never quit. Locally it's been suggested that I don't have the proper amount of "compassion", need sensitivity training or that I've "slipped my leash." No such thing: I just happen to know what marriage is... and it sure ain't what these gay boys and girls have in mind.