outlook for hog hunt pretty gloomy


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Got a call from the ranch hand. He said they been flooded with rain and snow, and most of the ranch roads are not usable. I looked at the forcast as well and it will never get over 45 both days :mad: and rain or snow both days.
I dont want to spend 2 days sitting on some stuipid deer feeder waiting for pigs, i might as well hunt deer up north over bait. Oh well, i will try to make the most of it but couldnt sleep last night after he called and told me the news. Too bad we got plane tickets or i would cancel the hunt and go some other time. Not looking forward to spending $$$ to sit in a deer stand.
Leaving tonight after work
Maybe the guy will let you walk the roads, the woods, etc., if nothing is drivable. Maybe you'll be quartering and carrying out a big hog, eh. I imagine they'll be all over. Wet, really loosens up the ground and they can get more roots up and out than usual. Look for sign like that and weight their, they'll be there soon! Enjoy the snow and cold and all. If its bad enough, you might enjoy the stand a little too, especially in the cold am hours.
So Scmaltz.... get a plane ticket to Florida.... we're still on for the 20 & 21st of Feb. Fly into SW Fla Regional Thurs night and we'll pick you up!