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WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
Just wondering!! I took this pic yesterday and a friend (Washington hunter) said that from the Picture I need to loose 30 LB’s. See I thought if I lost like 15 I would be happy with that. Now I am wondering what y’all think. Is it 15 or 30lb? I think 30lb is a lot so being pretty honest guys I thought I would ask your opinions.. I got more pics I took yesterday if needed. Thanks


You should not ask or let others make decisions for you. You need to set a goal and then achieve it. If 15 pounds is your goal then do it. If you need to loose more after that then set another goal.

But since you asked go look at some of the babves on the porn sites and set your goals from those photos. :D :D :D JK
You might ned to send more "Revieling" pictures for me to Judge..... ;)

Other then That, I'm not touching aything related to a "Does this make my butt look big" comment !!!!!

One thing I can Say , is I know 96% of the people think they could loose some Weight. And usually 85% are right. Most people are never satisfied with their weight.

You do look good in that picture (If I can say that ?!?!).
Ummmm I have other "clothed" pics that are more "Revealing" pic... I just thought WASHINGTON HUNTER was a bit harsh, but he did want me to make the comment to ya'll that he was instructed to be truthful..... So There ya Go Robbie!!!!
Just do what makes you happy. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. As someone stated earlier, if your goal is 15, shoot for that. The older I get, the more I have learned to accept people the way they are. Nothing worse than someone trying to plan your life for you (though their intentions are probably well intended).
Far be it from me to tell anyone how much to lose. I could stand to shape shift a bit. :D

ODC, it's a well known fact that photo's compress into 2 dimensions that which is generally seen in three dimensions. That's make everything look bigger than it really is. The rule of thumb is that a photo will add 10 to 12 pounds to anyone. Being in a black dress doesn't help because evrything runs together and makes you look even larger. So if you take the 15 pounds that you think you need to loose and add the 12 pounds that the photo adds and another 2 pound for the black dress, then you have the 30 pounds that WH so harshly and abruptly mentioned. So I would imagine that if you loose your 15 pounds,then sit for me in a photo session wearing a white dress or even a pair of jeans and a long sleeve white shirt with the tails out, you should be makin' him and the rest of these horndogs chomp at the bit for more pictures..

Dan Just ask her for a date instead of sugar coating it. ;)

Women shouldn't care if men think they are overweight or not, it doesnt make any dfference if you are 5 10 15 30 or 80 lbs over weight.
Most guys dont care as long as they get some.

LMAO You guy's...
Out of all the people on the board AOC, watching your posts would have gathered you would have been the last one to worry about any thing any one else says...I have a freind that likes his women starting at around 300 lbs, and they have to be short...Another one that I know seems to like his very tall and like a tooth pick and he makes her wear spandex...That just doesn't fit...I personally wouldn't worry one bit about what any one else thinks, you have your sh1t together and that is what makes women more beutiful than any thing else...
Besides, you look just fine to me...
I agree with the rest. Who gives a chit what others think. If you feel like you want to loose 15 pounds and have set that as a goal for yourself, then fine. If you only wish to lose 5 pounds, great. If you choose not to loose any weight at all, that is great also. You look good as you are. You are going to be the same person regardless, and if people can't see you for who you are, you don't need them. ;)
Hunterman... I don't know Alot.. But I do know if you tell a Chick to Loos Weight normally you'd have your Fingers Broken so You can't type.. I'm jsut wondering why you can Still type.. Or eat without a Straw.... :D
odchick, you look great in the pic. do what makes you happy and don't worry about what others think. now about those more revealing pics?? just kidding hahaha :D :D :D :D
I didn't say Chick needed too lose any wieght Moosie :eek: I'm not totaly stupid ...Hell if I was 20 years younger, and not married, ddamn I can't believe I just said 20 years younger :( I'm getting old....


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