Once in a lifetime? caribou hunt


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Indian Larry and I were talking about how lucky we are to get to go on all these "once in a lifetime" type hunts... usually each weekend. :D

We drove up Friday night, set up camp... got up Saturday, and while drinking coffee, glassed up a bull about 3 miles off. Decided he was big enough for me and off we went.

I only had 3 days to hunt caribou this fall, due to family obligations and likely due to the season closing (quota filled) before I could get back out, I wanted to get one in the freezer. I planned on taking the first "large" or better bull I saw.

The bull was pretty much in the same spot we originally saw him by the time we got there. I contemplated shooting him with the rifle, as his original spot was too far for the muzz. As luck would have it he moved up over a bench and out of sight. We scrambled up the hill and I got set up for about a 65 yard shot. Due to fogged glasses, poor light and a peep sight. I had to wait for him to silhouette against the hill side just right... Took the shoot, and off he ran. I was able to put a finisher in him as he was moving down a steep hillside, the hit was so hard, that he fell face first into a rock pile with so much force that he broke his skull across the forehead/eye sockets. I cut the antlers off with a knife...

Larry and Auto Dog helped pack him off the hill. Would have been a long miserable wet weekend without their help.

First AK critter with the black powder rifle. My goal is to take every animal with it... not sure I can talk myself into hunting sheep with it just yet, but I'll start small. Haha.

Good times.... going again this weekend but taking my nephew on his first hunt. Hope we can find another bull.


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About time you invite a fellow MT'inian to chase 'bous with you guys. 2014 works for me.
Righteous - and looks like a nice shot with your smoke pole too, but those antlers are covering up your footwear?! What kind of tread do you sport now sir?
Jealous in Colorado.
Congrats! However, I do hate you a little more now... ;)

Yes I realize being green with envy is not becoming... :D
Shooting 100gr of Blackhorn and 460gr No Excuses.

I've shot a peep for a while, but never in the rain. With glasses, and everything being wet, it was like looking through a fogged up scope, hard to see what I was aiming at. Its Williams with a brass ring around the hole.

I think I may put a scope on it instead of going with the peep. Much easier to deal with in the rain...

Footwear? Half the time it was hip boots... the rest I was barefoot.
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