Notes from near the middle of nowhere..

Not many shipwrights around any more.
Good on you!
I worked on a few back in the day. LA shipyards.
Reworked a subchaser albie boat to yatch and we restored an 1881 Baltic Ketch that was a garbage scow and tuned into big project.It was a blast to crew from Encinada to Vancuver. Single cylinder diesel that started with a firecracker.I built the new bowsprit and a mast. Out of real Larch. Still sailing around last I heard with divers now.
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Carbon Fiber toilet. For when you need to go, fast.



One month in, and what I've learned..

These people love Hockey, hunting and racing.

The playoffs are going on now, and town vs. town rivalries are big.

Everyone want to see and show off hunting pix. They love to hunt moose here, and bears over in Sweden. They say they have hogs in Sweden, too.. Hmmm.

They'll race anything, anywhere, any time of the year. Cars, carts, boats, motorcycles, sleds, crazy homebrew sled/bike machines, anything. On snow, ice, dirt, water, doesn't matter to them. Racing is racing.

The food is really good, and people are being merciful in regards to the subject of Trump. We figure they're used to dealing with their own narcissistic POS next door, so it isn't that big of a spectacle to them.

The beer sucks.
You tell'm your 30-06 is faster than theirs yet?:D back to those ridiculously tall hot wimmens and varied mileage.;)

Cool reports loco...keep em coming.
Having Russians around is like having the drunk uncle or cousin who is a riot to watch, but you always know he could end up killing himself or you in an entirely random manner, at any time.


Having Russians around is like having the drunk uncle or cousin who is a riot to watch, but you always know he could end up killing himself or you in an entirely random manner, at any time.



You just know someone has ridden in that chair while the car was being driven in a not so nice manner. "Hold my vodka and watch this!"... :D
And for the record, that's a kick sled on top of that street bomb Lada.

Usually you see the old folks running them down the sidewalk. Even saw granny running one down the little hill on the way into town. They have old school ones and of course, racing models. They'll race anything.

You just know there's a tow rope in the trunk of that Lada. And vodka bottles.



And of course, they'll put a motor on 'em. There's some serious wrenching going on inside the garages around here.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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