Not sure how to put this into perspective

Eagles hunting here on prairie dogs are using my windmill tower now that I replaced it with solar.
Are they picking up the ones shot with lead bullets, though?

I don't shoot raptors. Don't shoot dogs either. They die often enough of the plague.
I don't use lead ammo much except for house critters. Varmit critters.
Some fools around here still do.
They probably think they fly off with their kin tho...
I don't shoot raptors. Don't shoot dogs either. They die often enough of the plague.
I don't use lead ammo much except for house critters. Varmit critters.
Some fools around here still do.
They probably think they fly off with their kin tho...
Post was meant to be sarcastic, and reference my earlier post.
There's a "downside" to every electrical power source. The only environmentally friendly answer is to reduce the demand. And the only real way that can ever be done is 1) first and foremost, reduce the population which means challenging ancient religious and cultural norms [and basic animal instinct for species survival] and 2) curb development which flies in the face of capitalist economics based on greed to become wealthy. Mission Impossible. Ergo we are doomed.
Don’t worry, your 1) is currently in motion
Here's a little article I received just this morning

Windmill Facts
By: Dan Nebert
March 28, 2022

That little yellow thing at the top of the picture is a CAT-9 bulldozer. It is burying acres and acres of windmill blades used for “Green Energy.” Why?

Because these blades need to be disposed of, and there is presently no way to recycle them. That’s how green energy works! Who knew? Maybe the people that make them knew. Why would they let that cat out of the bag? After all, they are government-subsidized with tax-payer money (just like every electric car). Also, politicians do not want those huge eyesores in their backyard.

Right now, the average wind farm contains about 150 turbines. Each wind turbine needs 80 gallons of oil as a lubricant, and we're not talking about vegetable oil, this is a PAO synthetic oil based on crude. 12,000 gallons of it for 150 turbines, and that oil needs to be replaced once a year. It is estimated that a little over 3,800 turbines would be needed to power a city the size of New York... That's 304,000 gallons of refined oil per year for just one city. That’s 25+ wind farms.

Now, you have to calculate every city across the nation, large and small, to find the grand total of yearly oil consumption from “clean” energy. Where do you think all that oil is going to come from? Well, since January 2021, it comes from our enemies in the Mideast. Not to mention the fact that the large equipment needed to build these wind farms runs on petroleum. As well as the equipment required for installation, service, maintenance, and eventual removal. And just exactly how eco-friendly is wind energy anyway?

Each turbine requires a footprint of 1.5 acres, so a wind farm of 150 turbines needs 225 acres. To power a city the size of NYC, you'd need 57,000 acres; and who knows the astronomical amount of land you would need to power the entire US. All of which would have to be clear-cut land because trees create a barrier and turbulence that interferes with the 20mph sustained wind velocity necessary for the turbine to work properly. Also, keep in mind that not all states are suitable for such sustained winds. Boy, cutting down all those trees is gonna upset a lot of green-loving tree-huggers.

Let's now talk about disposal.

The lifespan of a modern, top-quality, highly efficient wind turbine is 20 years. After that, what happens to those gigantic fiber composite blades? They cannot be economically reused, refurbished, reduced, repurposed, or recycled. So, it's off to special landfills they go. And, they're already running out of these special landfill spaces for the used blades that have already exceeded their usefulness. Those blades are anywhere from 120 ft. to over 200 ft. long, and there are 3 per turbine. And that's with only 3% to 7% of the nation currently being supplied with (intermittent, i.e., unreliable) wind energy. Just imagine if we had the other 93% of the nation on the wind grid... 20 years from now you'd have all those unusable blades with no place to put them... Then 20 years after that, and 20 years after that, and so on. “Green energy?”

Also, about 500,000 birds are killed each year from wind turbine blade collisions, many of which are endangered hawks, falcons, owls, geese, ducks, and eagles. Apparently, smaller birds are more agile and able to dart and dodge out of the way of the spinning blades, whereas the larger soaring birds aren't so lucky.

Here's another problem with windmills. The generator and switching equipment operate at high power and voltage. Everything in the windmill nacelle (look it up) is compact due to limited space, so there's a danger of arcs and electrical fires. This is prevented by putting all the electrical equipment in a pressure vessel filled with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), a synthetic gas that has dielectric properties which suppress arcs and fires. However, windmills leak this gas, something around a pound each per year. SF6 has an atmospheric lifetime of 3,200 years and is 22,800 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than carbon.


Not 100% true on the recycling of the blades, but it is extremely limited at the moment.
I'm guessing we could power the whole country and make BHA alot of endowment income if we put 100,000 turbines between the spanish peaks, gallatin range, bridger range & elkhorns now wouldn't that be a great idea?
Wind, solar, hydro- the only way to meet current demands with a low carbon footprint (let's face it- no such thing as "zero carbon") is to switch to nuclear power. But everyone is so afraid of it because of bad laws and worse press (propaganda), that it isn't feasible to build even a modern reactor in this day and age.

Everything we do until nuclear is just a poorly understood feel-good measure for somebody to grab a boatload of money from.
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