Nevada results

I’ve lived in the Midwest my whole life, and have started applying out west for nearly every species in most logical states. I think the internet age has made a big difference. I always dreamed of it but now the information/knowledge is so accessible that it appears much more doable (though it probably always was). Between YouTube, Podcasts, OnX, GoHunt and many more the information is at your fingertips. Then you get out there and it’s absolutely breathtaking. Even if you don’t see game the landscapes and experiences your having are terrific. I’ll always love hunting white tails but sitting in a tree stand for hours on end was never appealing. I will be going out west for at least one hunt a year for the rest of my life. Likely many more a year once I retire. Just one perspective from a lifelong Midwesterner.

See this is where I have a hard time with things that I don't get.

I am not a meat hunter or trophy hunter. I hunt because of a drive that I have to hunt. I like wild game. I hunt predators all winter.

I go on vacation to see different sights, which is totally accessible to people without a tag in your pocket. The areas that we hunt out west are accessible to people 365 days a year in various forms.

Having a tag in my pocket and not seeing game makes no sense to me? I have a tag with a reasonable expectation of success, in that I want to see game and have a chance to harvest.

I can photograph deer and elk and antelope all year long without a tag in my pocket. And camp and hike and ride my four wheeler. All year. With no one to say no.

I have known people that have drawn good tags at work, while I have had lesser tags as well, and given them better days off, only to find they didn't hunt that year. Or people who go through the process of applying and obtaining a tag, and not putting in any effort to hunt at all, when there were obviously people in line who would have given that tag justice.

Rant over.
As I plan to go to NY to whitetail hunt I just bought points for most hunts so helping out my fellow NV residents and non residents maybe there. I did apply for three tags as did my girlfriend who is a first time hunter this year. Looking forward to seeing the results.
See this is where I have a hard time with things that I don't get.

I am not a meat hunter or trophy hunter. I hunt because of a drive that I have to hunt. I like wild game. I hunt predators all winter.

I go on vacation to see different sights, which is totally accessible to people without a tag in your pocket. The areas that we hunt out west are accessible to people 365 days a year in various forms.

Having a tag in my pocket and not seeing game makes no sense to me? I have a tag with a reasonable expectation of success, in that I want to see game and have a chance to harvest.

I can photograph deer and elk and antelope all year long without a tag in my pocket. And camp and hike and ride my four wheeler. All year. With no one to say no.

I have known people that have drawn good tags at work, while I have had lesser tags as well, and given them better days off, only to find they didn't hunt that year. Or people who go through the process of applying and obtaining a tag, and not putting in any effort to hunt at all, when there were obviously people in line who would have given that tag justice.

Rant over.

I agree with most all you point out. Not having a tag has not limited my travel experiences in the West and many other places in the world.

As to the last paragraph, yes it is frustrating but unless it is an anti drawing that tag to prevent it being hunted I am not going to judge. Who knows what others are going through in their life.
That said it was pretty frustrating watching a 180+ Big Horn for a week in the unit I had applied and finding out the tag holder didn’t hunt it a single day that year. To top it off it was a resident only draw.
There was only a single sheep unit with odds over 1% for me and my measly 20 non-resident points. I told Mrs.

That's downright brutal.

I can't say for sure but for guys just starting out, I would imagine if your trying to play the big 3 game in multiple states
over 20 years, it might be a wash to be disciplined and save to book something guided. I've never applied for trophy out of state,
so I've never priced it out.
Where are you finding those numbers?
That was a quote from the kalkomey guy when the draw was being done yesterday. The report at the end of the video had that information.

Number of applicants, number of apications, individual applications, party applications. They will provide a formal report to NDOW in August.
That was a quote from the kalkomey guy when the draw was being done yesterday. The report at the end of the video had that information.

Number of applicants, number of apications, individual applications, party applications. They will provide a formal report to NDOW in August.
Thank you. 5000 additional applicants is insane.
I wonder if there was any indication how many of those 5000 were resident vs. non-resident.
My guess is midnight tonight, or shortly thereafter, I'll be getting my string of successful emails. Mrs. Fin will complain I took my phone of silent and placed it in the nightstand, but her wrath will be a small price to pay for the pleasure of my victory celebration. I've already told the boss that I'll need sick leave for tomorrow, and I don't even drink.
My guess is midnight tonight, or shortly thereafter, I'll be getting my string of successful emails. Mrs. Fin will complain I took my phone of silent and placed it in the nightstand, but her wrath will be a small price to pay for the pleasure of my victory celebration. I've already told the boss that I'll need sick leave for tomorrow, and I don't even drink.
Finger are crossed for you!
I am pretty sure I am going to draw. In fact...since it’s NV and all the sheep units I applied for are near Vegas (where I lived for a short while) I am planning on financing the cost of the sheep tag and trip with the lottery ticket I purchased today.

I know NV is a long shot but it’s a great place to hunt. Good luck to everybody. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.
From the NDOW FB page....

Don’t go to bed too early tonight! Stay up with for NDOW’s Midnight Madness as the big game tag draw results are posted to Starting around midnight, and over the course of about two hours, results will be posted directly to your profile. You will also be receiving an email notification and your credit cards will be charged. #midnightmadness

Midnight Madness3 (2).jpg

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