PEAX Equipment

My MT/ND trip


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2010
great state of Idaho....
I figured I would put it here since it was a family trip with some fishing on the side..... here it is, started off by fishing Ft. Peck, fishing was pretty slow for me, bank fishing and nobody had minnows becuz of flooding... caught a few pike and a couple of drum... here's a pic from just below the dam/power station,


than headed too the farm by Froid, MT, it was awesome Pike fishing over there, I love them and I know how too fillet them without bones..... so I keep almost everyone, here some pics,

my son's first fish.....

wife's 35"er

a great day with my family and Grandpa,

Blacktail dam on the ND side,

Went on a prairie dog shoot with grandpa also that was a ton of fun......

from there we went over too Garrison, ND at Ft. Stevenson state park, that place rocks and the lady at the Marina pointed me straight too some bank yanking for walleye's, 2 day limit right here.....


than I had a wedding in Strasburg, ND, hit up Sakakawea state park across the lake from Garrison, the fishing there was mostly for Small mouth and Pike, Here I got a 33" pike that I let go, no pic with me, Wife kids were at the park....

Hit up Medora, ND after that.......
"Wild Horses" in the park at Medora, saw a ton of buffalo and also went too the musical

Thank it was a 16 hour drive home over 3 days,
Looks like you made the most of it. I need better instruction on how to get the bones out of those pike.
Looks like you had some fun in my neck of the woods.
Very nice! Glad to see you had that much 'luck' from shore. My sons love to fish so I'm thinking we should road trip sometime soon...
Duck-Slayer, Nice road trip with the family! I'll be hitting the Medora Musical tomorrow night. Thanks for sharing the pic's, a couple were just down the block from me!
Nice to see Blacktail Dam is finally back to kicking out some fish. You are in my old stomping grounds there.

I'll be heading back this weekend for my 30th HS reunion. I plan on stopping in the Medora area also to check out some ground for MD hunting this fall. Thanks for sharing.
Nice to see Blacktail Dam is finally back to kicking out some fish. You are in my old stomping grounds there.

I'll be heading back this weekend for my 30th HS reunion. I plan on stopping in the Medora area also to check out some ground for MD hunting this fall. Thanks for sharing.

my stomping grounds too.... I basically grew up on that lake, the farm is only about 20 miles too the NW.....
Great pics, looks like a great trip.


Filleting those snot rockets is easy once you catch on to it. I am not a walleye purist and will keep them, you just can't put them into your live well because that slime will kill everything in the live well.

Here is a good how to video.

After a couple of fish you will get the hang of it.


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