My First Western Saga....

What an awesome hunt! You will always remember this as your first western hunt.
I still from time to time, take the time to reflect on past hunts. The one that always sticks out is my first Muley tag. I missed multiple really respectable 5 by 5 mulie's actually shot the antler off one that my brothers ended up shooting as he ran over the hill. That first tag ended up being put on a small buck, but I still remember that tag as the most memorable!
Thanks everyone for the congrats and words of encouragement! I hope this was just the first of many Western adventures for me and my family. I'm not sure what next year holds. I'd love to go chase an elk but, not sure I'll physically be ready for it by then. I am definitely going to start building some points for me and my oldest in some different states for elk, muleys, and antelope. I may even start building some points for him for sheep and goat.
Great write-up. Thank you for sharing your story, and congratulations on creating great memories with your family!
Thank you for sharing your story with us! Congratulations on overcoming many hurdles and enjoying the entirety of the trip! It will certainly be an inspiration to many and a reminder for others not to take the little things for granted.
This is the best hunting story I have read in a long time. I got choked up at that last picture of your son running up to you. Keep it up! You have only gotten a taste of what hunting in the west can be. There are few things in life that reward you as fairly for the work that you put in as hunting in the mountains!
Well done! You got your mule deer and included your family for some sightseeing on a family vacation. Makes for some great memories.
Once again I am overwhelmed by the response to my story. Thank you all so much!

Today I started processing some of the meat and the head. I cut out the big muscles of the back legs for roasts and packaged them up. We ate one back strap in Wyoming and the other is brining for the smoker in preparation for the Iron Bowl tomorrow. I also packaged up the tenderloins which leaves the shoulder, the trim meat, and what's left of the back legs for smoked sausage.



On a side note, I received a Gerber Vital when I signed up for Go Hunt Insider. I don't how I ever lived without that thing! I used it to quarter my deer in the field, clean the skull, and separate the muscles of the hind quarters. I can't believe how much easier it makes things to always have a razor sharp blade.
Huge congrats on your hunting and health success. Thanks for sharing a truly uplifting story!
Great story. Wonderful write up. So happy for you and your deer. It looks to me that your family is your greatest trophy.... :)

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