Montana and Tik Tok

Maybe they should have posted their big 3 drawing on TikTok...could have been a more believable excuse for that cluster shag.

Or whoever was in charge of triple checking the final numbers was too distracted, posting to TikTok. Just blame it on the intern and be done with it
I blame it on the director and he should be fired.

Definitely should, but I'd guess if it happens, will probably be the governor asking for his "resignation". Then maybe cue the severance agreement payout
but I do not understand how this is the purview of the Montana Legislature.
This. The issue isn't whether is not Tik Tok is a national security risk or what data it collects. Everything posted earlier points out the problems. The question is whether it is a state legislature's job to make the decision to ban it. Who is to say the next ban won't be books or links to media sites. If you don't want Big Brother making decisions for you, don't let this type of stuff hide under the blanks of Freedom and Security, even at the state level.
Just like I am teaching my children to be responsible firearm owners and users - I'm also teaching them responsible social media usage and ownership.

I have accounts on most popular SM - mainly so I can follow nieces and nephews (my kids don't have SM accounts). My wife and I go through SM with the kids so that they learn the positive side of SM and can recognize the negative attributes. Sticking your head in the sand only gets you sandy while the world passes by.

I work with Software engineers all over the globe daily (and/or nightly, depending on the resource location) - and have done this for the past 20 years. It's a team focused on building the best widget, nothing nefarious.

How many of you read the user agreement when you signed up for FaceBook? or utilize Google Maps and have your phone location turned on? This list can go on and on.

This "ban" will only cost the State money, it's a useless waste of time.
How many of you read the user agreement when you signed up for FaceBook? or utilize Google Maps and have your phone location turned on? This list can go on and on.
OnX - as a common HT use example... Scrollbar to the end, tap, "Agree". Onto using the tool.

It's not an "illegal" collection of information, if you agree.
OnX - as a common HT use example... Scrollbar to the end, tap, "Agree". Onto using the tool.

It's not an "illegal" collection of information, if you agree.
This over reach on terms of use is what should be scrutinized, but that would negatively affect all the big US tech companies as well... and they have strong lobbyists.

The amount of personal info you have to give up to use these services is appalling.
I hate social media all of it however when asked by your wife if when she tags you on her posts if you care, don’t answer with “I could give a shit less who tags me”. Life tip for you all!
Does it say anything about where data is stored, or routed thru? For example, early on when Zoom was being used more, I think they were routing meeting info through servers in China. This was obviously a problem and I think Zoom fixed it. Hopefully tiktok "America" is keeping info retained only in the US
Does it really matter what it says? 100% data is goin to China if they want it..The thing that caught me eye is you give them access to any device on your network even it doesn't have tik toc installed on the device. So say your a executive for a defense contractor and you kids has tic tik on their phone and your all using the same internet connection.
OnX - as a common HT use example... Scrollbar to the end, tap, "Agree". Onto using the tool.

It's not an "illegal" collection of information, if you agree.
It's not illegal, but honestly, it's invasive. Agreeing to tik taks TOS is agreeing to let them access your entire phone and computer. Whether it's related to their app or not.

If you log in to tik tok on your computer, they now have access to everything on your computer.

I'm surprised that the app stores allow this sort of data collection to be acceptable.

To each their own, but I'd rather not willingly let a virus on my computer/phone.
This. The issue isn't whether is not Tik Tok is a national security risk or what data it collects. Everything posted earlier points out the problems. The question is whether it is a state legislature's job to make the decision to ban it. Who is to say the next ban won't be books or links to media sites. If you don't want Big Brother making decisions for you, don't let this type of stuff hide under the blanks of Freedom and Security, even at the state level.
State’s have the responsibility to protect their citizens, and if the federal government is too disfunctional to provide that protection, then it is absolutely within the purview of the state legislature. This action is not equivalent to banning books or media sites, and to suggest that is a red herring.

I get that people on this site only want the legislature to focus on hunting and fishing issues, but there is more going on in the world that impacts the whole populous. I’m unsure how this law will be enforced, but I am encouraged MT decided to take action on behalf of its citizens.
State’s have the responsibility to protect their citizens, and if the federal government is too disfunctional to provide that protection, then it is absolutely within the purview of the state legislature. This action is not equivalent to banning books or media sites, and to suggest that is a red herring.

I get that people on this site only want the legislature to focus on hunting and fishing issues, but there is more going on in the world that impacts the whole populous. I’m unsure how this law will be enforced, but I am encouraged MT decided to take action on behalf of its citizens.

The irony is that this legislation IS a red herring....that's blowing on a dog whistle.
All folks will need to get past this is a mobile VPN. I doubt most will pay for one. Just like anything banned/illegal, if there is a will, there is a way.
State’s have the responsibility to protect their citizens, and if the federal government is too disfunctional to provide that protection, then it is absolutely within the purview of the state legislature. This action is not equivalent to banning books or media sites, and to suggest that is a red herring.

I get that people on this site only want the legislature to focus on hunting and fishing issues, but there is more going on in the world that impacts the whole populous. I’m unsure how this law will be enforced, but I am encouraged MT decided to take action on behalf of its citizens.
Like states having the responsibility to protect citizens from gun violence?

They worry about TikTok, drag shows, and banning books, all likely 1st amendment violations and unconstitutional, but don't spend 5 minutes worrying about something that kills 50K citizens a year. I'm not talking about taking second amendment rights away. I'm talking about protecting the citizens and taking measures to at least reduce the 50K deaths a year, and yes, it can be done without violating constitutional rights.
Like states having the responsibility to protect citizens from gun violence?

They worry about TikTok, drag shows, and banning books, all likely 1st amendment violations and unconstitutional, but don't spend 5 minutes worrying about something that kills 50K citizens a year. I'm not talking about taking second amendment rights away. I'm talking about protecting the citizens and taking measures to at least reduce the 50K deaths a year, and yes, it can be done without violating constitutional rights.
I don’t disagree with your points about a completely different subject unrelated to this conversation. Reducing gun violence between our own citizens is very different than disabling a foreign government from negatively impacting our American citizens. Also, comparing the ban on this invasive social media platform and drag shows couldn’t be further apart. I recognize it’s the same political party pushing both topics, but they are fundamentally different.

After serving in the military for nearly 20 years, I have a different perspective than 95% of the other members of this forum. There is a legitimate reason we should worry about China. I caution those of you who are completely dismissing this topic to take a step back and think about how much you cherish those freedoms you’ve enjoyed your whole life without having to sacrifice anything for them.

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