Memorial Tunes

He married sweet Emma Grace
Before the war was through
She held his right arm next to his anchor tattoo
He was on a ship off at sea
When she died in childbirth
He lost his whole world
From the far side of the earth
He lost the will to love
He lost the will to live
Until he met a man who taught him to forgive
Yeah, life took him to hell band back
To hell and back a time or two
But in the end he beat the devil
Until he was black and blue
Singin' I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
And today he joined up with Jesus
Wearin' shiny pearl snaps
We sang a few gospel hymns
And then the soldier played taps
I bet he's walkin' with Pete down a street paved with gold
Showin' off his brand-spankin' new wings
And his barbed wire halo

They took away our dogtags, they had us grow our hair
They gave us student visas when we were over there
They staged us out of Hondo al este del Salvador
I guess you'd call us Contras but no one calls much no more
There ain't no fun in killin' folk and I don't wanna do no more
My great great rode at Shiloh and Grandpa drove a tank
Daddy was air cavalry, flew choppers in the Nam {Da Nang}
I worked mostly clandestine, the branch I should not say {CIA}
We played with better guns and I could use the extra pay
Did Reagan give the order? Did cocaine pay the bill?
They said we's fightin' communists but it was kinda hard to tell
There ain't no fun in killin' folk and I don't wanna do no more
This was before Blackhawks and RPGs were king
My buddy on the door gun, he never felt a thing
When our Huey caught a rocket and both the pilots killed
And it pitched us over sideways on some Nicaraguan hill
My back felt like it's broken, my legs I could not feel
I kept on shooting communists but it was kind of hard to tell
There ain't no fun in killin' folk and I ain't gonna do no more
I never did heal up right from injuries sustained
Officially in Germany, officially while we trained
I remember all their faces, I dream about them still
I guess we's fightin' communists but it was kinda hard to tell
There ain't no fun in killin' folk, and I don't wanna do no more
I speak the cold logistic that warriors speak so well
Foxtrot tango whiskey alpha golf tango hotel
A soldierly bravado, an unspeakable guilt
That village, it was communist but it was kinda hard to tell
There ain't no fun in killin' folk and I don't wanna do no more
Believe me, I've done plenty boys and I ain't gonna do no more
But of course if they back me in the corner they'll be dead before they hit the floor

I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo

I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through

Well I's with Custer and the 7th in ‘76 or ‘77
Scalped at Little Big Horn by the Sioux
And the tears and devastation of a once proud warrior nation
This I know ‘cause I was riding with them too

And I drank mare's blood on the run when I rode with the Great Khan
On the frozen Mongol steppe while at his height
And I's a White Guard, I's a Red Guard, I's the Tsar's own palace horse guard
When Romanov was murdered in the night

And I knew Saladin and rode his swift Arabians
Harassing doomed crusaders
on their heavy drafts
And yet I rode the Percheron against the circling Saracen
Once again against myself was cast

Well I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo

I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through

Well I've worn the Mounties' crimson, if you're silent and you'll listen
You'll know that it was with them that I stood
When Mayerthorpe, she cried, as her four horsemen died
Gunned down in scarlet, cold as blood

I's the 'fustest with the mostest' when I fought for Bedford Forrest
Suffered General Wilson's Union raid
And mine was not to reason why, mine was but to do and die
At Crimea with the charging light brigade

On hire from Swiss or Sweden, be me Christian, be me heathen
The devil to the sabre I shall put

With a crack flanking maneuver, I'm an uhlan alles uber
Striking terror into regiment of foot

Well I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo

I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through

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