Local School Attack.

There was an armed local Policeman on duty when this started. A vice principal, security guard, and the policeman took down the suspect. It as a 16 year old kid with 2 knives.

19 kids and 1 adult injured.
What a shame.

I have 2 nephews that go to school about 40 mins from there.
Very sad! There will always be violence I guess, it's just the world we live in. Even though there was an armed policeman and a security guard on duty, it still wasn't a big enough deterrent. What else would help? Some kids are probably going to do things like this no matter what the deterrent is or what the consequences are. So what do we need to do to stop the attack as quickly as possible once it starts? My high school senior daughter just completed a speech class presentation to persuade her fellow students and teacher that concealed carry by trained teachers would help both of these situations. It really made us think of a lot of different scenarios and potential problems and solutions. As far as we know Utah is the only state that allows CC by teachers. Would it have helped in this and other situations, hard to tell. My heart and prayers go out to all those involved in this situation, it has to be incredibly troubling.
So do we just have more people or are they getting more messed up in the head? My guess is the latter
So much for the armed guard.

The security guard was unarmed, the Police officer(they've been calling him a "resource officer" on the news) was armed and wearing a kevlar vest. I think the cop was in a different part of the school and got to the kid after he was already knocked down by the vice principal, security guard, some students, and other faculty.

I'm not sure what type of knives they were, but they are reporting on the news he had two that were 8"-10" long. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were kitchen knives.
So do we just have more people or are they getting more messed up in the head? My guess is the latter

I don't know what to think anymore.

This high school is in a very affluent suburb, and by all accounts everyone thought this kid was normal until yesterday.
The security guard was unarmed, the Police officer(they've been calling him a "resource officer" on the news) was armed and wearing a kevlar vest. I think the cop was in a different part of the school and got to the kid after he was already knocked down by the vice principal, security guard, some students, and other faculty.

I'm not sure what type of knives they were, but they are reporting on the news he had two that were 8"-10" long. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were kitchen knives.

I heard on one news report today that they were ordinary kitchen knives.
I think the studies have shown that the total number of victims of school violence has been trending down over the last couple of decades. A couple of things have changed, though. First, a 24/7 media that gets off on sensationalized stories. Second, a collection of kids whose minds are twisted, either through violent video games, psychotropic medications, or some combination of the above, perpetrates such sensational crimes.
An apprentice working for me has a brother that was stabbed in this incident. His brother has had 3 surgeries so far in which during one of them they removed part of his liver. He is scheduled for another surgery today to repair a hole in his diaphragm and a cut on his lung. He has received 13 liters of blood so far. My prayers go out to all the victims and their families.
An apprentice working for me has a brother that was stabbed in this incident. His brother has had 3 surgeries so far in which during one of them they removed part of his liver. He is scheduled for another surgery today to repair a hole in his diaphragm and a cut on his lung. He has received 13 liters of blood so far. My prayers go out to all the victims and their families.

Oh... that is terrible! I bow my head in prayer for everyone affected. Makes my stomach sink to feel that direct link to one here. It should be this way regardless though I find a post such as yours much more powerful than what the news portrays... Guess to some minor level I'm becoming more immune each time these incidents occur.

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