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Legislature gets rid of coyote control project


New member
Dec 11, 2000

Looks like we get to shoot the little critters ourselfs.
Well the "idaho department of fish and game"
certainly did all they could do to make the project a success

The writing was on the wall for along time.
they screwed it up from the srart

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 08:09: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Here's how the F&G Dept has it's policies set by the F&G Commission. The Commission is a board appointed by the Governor that directs the Dept.. So, the Commission tells the Dept. what to do. They are the boss, the Dept. has to do what the Commission directs them to do. The Legislature decided to direct the Commission to tell the Dept. to enter into a coyote control program, which was never anything but a way to satisfy some cattlemen and waste the sportsmen's dollars. The Commission goes along with what the Legislature wants because they have been hand picked by the Governor not to make any waves.

One Commissioner tried to arrange to hire a buddy of his for the job and the result was a complete fiasco.
You really can't blame any of this on the F&G Dept. The blame lies with the Legislature, Farm Bureau, Cattlemen's Association and the Commission. None of it would ever had happened if the first three hadn't been meddling in F&G business. The whole idea was stupid right from the beginning.

But many Idahoans don't understand how things work so they blame it all on the Dept. That's one of the main reasons so many Idahoans are always upset about the F&G Dept.----they don't know how the system works. Most of them don't even know the difference between the F&G Dept. and the F&W Service.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 08:46: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
That is true Ithaca, most dont realize that their voices as hunters are being stomped on by a Governor and HIS political appointees. Talk about a crock of crap.

are you always this way?
I thought we were going to try and get along.
Then you got to go off on a rant like that, insulting me and "other idahoans"
It is because of posts like that, that people get offended and fight with you.
If you really want a peaceful forum please delete the above post and show that you are sincere.
mike, No problem. Just delete the misinformation you posted calling the F&G Dept. an idiot dept. and saying they screwed the pooch as usual. Spreading misinformation like that just perpetuates the myth that the Dept. acts on it's own without any direction from a commission of political appointees.

I could call your first post a rant, too, but won't.
It certainly doesn't give the true story. Please notice I said "many Idahoans" and "the typical Idahoan". I never said "other idahoans" and I didn't even address the post at you, although it is clearly an attempt to point out the misconception you expressed.

Or we can leave your first post and I'll edit mine to try to be just informational, maybe that would help clear up the confusion many people seem to have about the way the F&G Dept. is run. Which do you want? I might not have time for any editing until later tonite.

And as to your question about me always being this way; the answer is "no", usually only when I think people are spreading misinformation.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 05:20: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
sure I will edit the idiot part.
But I will give you a couple of examples of why I said it.

About 3 years ago I was dove hunting and came upon a cow moose that had been shot with a shot gun and was in bad shape.
I used my cell to call the f+g, I drove to a somewhat nearby store to meet an officer to lead him to where the moose was.
I will make the story short, I was treated like they thought I had done it. Like I was way beneath them. And was totally shocked when they didn't put the moose down.
And to top it all off I was dismissed out of hand when I went to the local office and tried to talk to somebody in charge what had happened.

About 5 years ago me and a friend were on our way back to camp during elk season.
a warden was parked off the side of the road just sitting there. I stopped and tried to start a conversation, offered him a cup of coffee from my thermous.
That warden was one of the rudest people I have ever met. I asked him if he had seen many elk. He says ya I have and if you were a good hunter you would too. I never mentioned that we had two elk down and were headed back to camp for our packs to start packing them out.
but then again if he was a good warden maybe he would have noticed blood on my pants and hands.

then there was the time my brother shot a small 3+3 buck about 1 mile from camp. he had drug it to a road, so I went and got the truck to haul it to camp. A warden happened along and my brother flagged him down. he wasn't even going to stop. Brad explained to him that he had lost his wallet somewhere that morning and didn't discover it missing until he went to tag his buck.
he said he remembered having it in the tent while he was getting dressed in the dark with just his flashlight and hoped it was either in the tent or in the camp somewhere.
The warden says no problem I will follow you back to your camp and see if you find it and go from there. He actually grabs ahold of the deer and helps load it into the truck.
The wallet is found in the tent. Brad tags the deer the warden watches and seems satisfied with everything. he has a cup of our coffee chats for a few minutes. Then he goes and gets in his truck, we are thinking he was a pretty nice fella, then a few minutes later he comes back with a ticket all written up for TRANSPORTING UNTAGGED GAME not fialure to tag imediatly after kill. and to top it off. if you wanted to get nit picky I transported the deer it was my truck. the ticket was dismissed in court later on. but it still cost my brother alot of money and time off work to travel to that county and go through the court process. If it had been a ticket for failure to tag imediatly after kill, he would have just pleaded guilty . Brad said it was his fault for not double checking that morning.

I guess then we could talk about things like the hunter safty people who left 50 rounds of 22 shells sitting on a table in the media center of the school I work at. Yes kids found them and luckily they turned them into me.

Or best of all, and my favorite, we could talk about the director of the fish and game mooning people.

Yes I have met alot of good people who work for the department, and it is for them that I will edit my post. But I have met my share of idiots. Luckily I wasn't there to be mooned by one.
"one of the problems is that many Idahoans are not able to differentiate between the F&G Dept. and the F&G Commission"

Another problem could be that many Idahoans do know the difference, but,make the mistake of lumping them all in together in the same boat,as they do have a connection.
I agree the whole system needs some work----but im not convinced that giving up the power to the other side is the way to go .LOL
I see no way to make it non-political ,what I see being asked for is help in shifting that power to the other political side .

If this is to be a non-political issue there would be no need to bring up ranchers,cattlemen .
It is and will be political ,and if we are not very carefull in deciding what way we take it ,we could see the words rancher,cattlemen being replaced with non-hunting public wants,Westeren Watershed Project,Serria Club?
do you think people see the difference between the school districs and school boards, maybe they do, maybe they don't.
they are still called district ## whatever school board, and viewed as part of the whole.
Same thing with f+g and the commision it is viewed as part of the whole.
Like you always say about wolves. thats just the way it is. no use arguing about it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-27-2003 08:16: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
I think people who make the effort to find out how school districts work know the difference, just as people who make the effort to find out how gummint agencies work know the difference. Some people just start giving their opinions to everyone before they know what they're talking about.

And there will always be people telling anecdotes about any kind of gummint worker who they didn't think did a good job in some particular situation. Ya wanna hear about all the dumb things people who work in the education system do?

As long as the Legislature has control over the Dept of F&G there will always be bad politics involved.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> As long as the Legislature has control over the Dept of F&G there will always be bad politics involved. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>So very true and not only in ID.
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