Late season SD pheasants.

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Been out chasing birds in the wind and cold!

Lot's of birds, but they're tough this time of year.

My oldest son has done great this year, he's learned how to read the dogs, and has knocked down some tough shots. When his hands get too numb to work the safety, he's smart enough to stay in the car and stay warm.


Bonnie and Clyde continue to amaze me. Here is Clyde after he circled huge and pinned down some runners. Classic point, flush and shot. Bonnie is 7, maybe past her prime a bit, but she knows birds. Clyde is 4 and is steady as ever.


Here I am after a long day chasing crazy birds with only 2 birds and 2 cold and happy dogs to show for it. I love chasing birds out in the open grasslands with my GSP's. Hardly any other hunters out there this time of year. I have two more Saturdays for birds, then we're done.
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Way to go. I like the late season pheasants too, even though people try to tell me that my pointing dogs will have trouble with them. If an average lab does any better, I've never seen it. Lots of fun and nobody else around.
Good deal! Chasing birds in that country is a hoot. Looking forward to getting back there to give it a try again.
Great job on the roosters Tbone and congrats to your kid

Way to go. I like the late season pheasants too, even though people try to tell me that my pointing dogs will have trouble with them. If an average lab does any better, I've never seen it. Lots of fun and nobody else around.

Belly Deep,

Nobody said your dogs, or even that pointers couldn't hunt such birds, you really need to learn to read what is written. A guy was asking about coming all the way across the country with dogs that have never even seen a wild pheasants. Whether you want to admit it or not that is a gamble on whether the dog will be able to handle wild late season pheasants.

It doesn't matter whether it is flushers or pointers if a person is going to the time and expense of traveling that far they are going to want the best experience and kill some birds. I was just trying to help a fellow hunter have the best experience hunting birds possible.

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IMO, late season birds would be better to hunt with retrievers. My GSP's get cold. They don't take to heavy cover as well as flushers, and when they do get the heavy cover, they get cut up good.

That being said, I mostly hunt the more open stuff.

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