Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Laser eye surgery


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
Last week, right before the archery opener, I had my second flare-up of iritis which requires steroid eye drops and no contacts for two weeks. I had to wear glasses for the hunt which I hate (especially when using binos). Two different optho doctors told me that contacts weren't the cause and in the majority of cases, no cause can be found. I made an appointment to get PRK in late October so I still get hunt archery and the antelope and deer/elk firearm openers before being laid up for about 10 days (Oct. 30 surgery). Has anyone here had PRK? It seems like a short term inconvenience but the thought of camping, etc without glasses or contacts is awesome. Thanks for any input.
My wife is an ophthalmologist who performs PRK surgeries. Her patients have had a history of very high success and satisfaction. Yes, the recovery is a little longer than LASIK but outcomes are generally very good. Also, my dad and brother had PRK years ago and have done really well. I'm sure you'll end up loving it.
Thanks for the input guys. I'm not a LASIK candidate, and have hemmed and hawed about prk before, but this wearing glasses crap is the final straw. Especially with my big ol' coke bottle lenses.
Is the total cost still about $2500 per eye? I've been wanting to do it for several years. I've worn contacts for 30 years now without much issues so I've really had a hard time justifying the cost. My eye doc said my eyes are great candidates and I'd be in the 99% success though.
Also had LASIK and it was the best $$ I've ever spent in terms of convenience and cost effectiveness. The only issue I've had is a small increase in the sensitivity to bright sun. I have to buy better sunglasses now but that could be a product of getting older as well. Do it!
had PRK (due to my job and its hazards) and love it, could of drove home from the procedure but then about day 2/3 my eyes watered so bad that I just laid in bed face down on a towel. my doctors said that the steroids actually can slow healing process down and to avoid if possible. I took motrin (vitamin M) you will get a weird headache and just used the wetting drops every 2 hours I think and 5/6 days later I was good, month later better and by 3 months my eyes were WAY better than even corrected before the surgery. you will not need the 10 days but you could be in the woods day 4 or 5 I bet just wear sunglasses, your eyes will be very sensitive to light and dust. mine were done in 2009.
I had PRK several years ago and my experience was similar to what ccc23454 posted. I don't remember if I took medicine for the discomfort though. I just remember spending a lot of time in a dark room. If you have had sand in your eyes, that is about what healing from PRK felt like for me. I had to have one eye done twice, so be aware of that possibility.

Having said that, I have no regrets. A few days of boredom and discomfort were worth it. While not having to deal with contacts or glasses at home is great ... not dealing with them while hunting and camping is incredible! Everything is so much simpler. Also like ccc23454, my vision now is better than it was with contacts.
I had PRK in 2006 and had pretty much the same results as above. I was given 10 days of con-leave to recover and pretty much laid around for about 4 with the weird black goggles on. For about 3 months at night I would get halos around lights at night. Other than that I haven't had an issue and can't imagine going back to glasses or contacts.
Had PRK almost 2 years ago and I went from 20/180 to 20/15 in both eyes. Best thing I ever had done and not having to worry about foggy glasses or hygiene when dealing with contacts is very nice. Good Luck.
I had prk done three years ago. Hands down it sucked balls for a few days, but after the irritation went away it has been life changing. No regrets what so ever.
I recall sleeping most of the first day but very little discomfort during the initial healing phase....inconvenience for sure for 3-4 days but worth it.
I'm surprised by the number of people who've had the PRK procedure. Not too long ago you rarely heard of people having it done instead of the more ubiquitous LASIK. When I had an evaluation done several years ago, PRK would've been the only option due to thin corneas. I'm sure LASIK is still the most common surgery, but is its predecessor, PRK, trending upward?
Marshian, I so wanna dig up a photo of you from 8th grade so everyone can see your awesome glasses. But I won't. Or will I?
I had the Lasik surgery and concur with the other posts: it was well worth the money. I have 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 vision in the other eye. The only side effect I have noticed is a slight increase in sensitivity to light (sunlight, bright lights, etc). It was well worth the cost in my opinion.
I had LASIK July 31 of this year. I was farsighted and they said it would be different than most people that come in. They told me they had to make me nearsighted and at 6 months will perform the Custom Wavefront Lasik for me. I have been seeing better at distances now that has been over a month. I used lots of eyedrops to keep my eyes hydrated. I still use them when I feel they are too dry. Look at your vision insurance and compare whats offered, because some will pay up to $2000 towards the surgery. Most places make you pay upfront, then the insurance cuts you the check. They usually offer 0% financing for 24 months. It is worth it and wish I would have done it sooner.

PRK was what I was going to with if I didn't get medically retired from the military. It is the only one accepted for soldiers to become pilots if they get eye surgery. Good luck with your surgery. You'll love it.