Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Biceps Tendon


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2021
Northern NM
Got invited to help a friend move. Figured that since he is 72, how hard can it be.

His wife has a really high quality elliptical trainer. They weigh about 600#. Now, I'm telling this story...

We rassled it out of the basement room, up two sets of steps (flagstone, not regular nor nuttin') and got it on a dolly.

I had the heavy end, since I don't turn 65 till June something, so when it fell off the dolly I stopped it. I really did!

But the pop in my shoulder, and accompanying pain, indicated I had effed up my biceps tendon.

A call to my Occupational Therapist son confirmed it: "Dad, when it pops, you tore it."

So, I have a muzzleloader deer hunt here in NM, in a good unit, in late September. I will be calling the doc tomorrow, to set an appointment for a first look, from which he will ask for an MRI. Surgery to follow (due to a rotator cuff/labrum repair some 15 years ago, another doc indicated that surgery on my bicep tendon was warranted - three or four years ago).

Any of you had such a surgery? How long was recovery? I have a really good deer tag (my only tag) for September/October, and really really really want to hunt then. Have I a chance, or do I wait till afterward for the knife?

Having had that injury at 31 years old it was five months before I could do a pull up again. I’d wait if it is bareable, definitely do physical therapy prior to your trips to mitigate the pain and strengthen the surrounding muscles.
At 36 years old I injured my left side this February and I am going to wait til after hunting season to go in for the 2nd round.
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If you now have a Popeye bicep then you have yourself one of these.

Biceps Tenotomy | ShoulderDoc
That's what I did several years ago. Kind of similar accident. Irrigating on a steep hillside riding a 4 wheeler across the hill. Uphill tire went up on a rock hiden by the tall grass and it started to tip. I bailed off the downhill side and leaned into it and the tendon popped. I was advised that at my age, the recovery time and what I would get back wasn't worth the surgery. Was also told there was a short window to get it done, not months. Luckily it was my left arm. It's much weaker, maybe 25% of what I had and there's things that give me trouble like overhead work and twisting motion. The surgery looks less complicated nowadays.
That's what I did several years ago. Kind of similar accident. Irrigating on a steep hillside riding a 4 wheeler across the hill. Uphill tire went up on a rock hiden by the tall grass and it started to tip. I bailed off the downhill side and leaned into it and the tendon popped. I was advised that at my age, the recovery time and what I would get back wasn't worth the surgery. Was also told there was a short window to get it done, not months. Luckily it was my left arm. It's much weaker, maybe 25% of what I had and there's things that give me trouble like overhead work and twisting motion. The surgery looks less complicated nowadays.
I had mine reattached in January and and at 15 weeks re tore it right were it hooks to the bicep muscle. Not at the original repair. There is not enough tendon to attach it to the humerus where it needs to be. Only fix is a cadaver graft or leave it. At this point I am leaving it. Looks weird but my shirtless modeling days are long gone.
Almost positive it is the biceps tendon, based on where the pain originated (that glorious pop) and the fact that my elbow will talk to me as well - rotational things like the salt grinder don't work as well. My OT son has pretty well confirmed it over the phone, but it will be August before I can get in to see the doc (good ones are few here, so worth the wait). Going to get set up for PT, and at least keep on top of the range of motion.
I have had rotator cuff/labrum (SLAP) surgery on the same shoulder, and have been told by another doc that the biceps tendon warranted repair, again, so it looks to be inevitable. Not particularly happy about that, 10 month recovery....
Whatever it needs, get it addressed timely. Both mine are blown. Barely do one pushup or get myself off the floor. Ortho Dr. said I waited too long and they couldn't repair them.