Caribou Gear

Kick Ass New broadheads - fly perfect

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Shooting a fast bow and light arrows usually makes for difficult broadhead tuning. I've used several different expandable heads with good results, but the damn rubber band pain in the ass (removing from quiver, etc.) and durability is just crap. Last few years I've been shooting rocket ultimate steel 100gr fixed blades. They fly pretty well, but durability is still crap.

I tried these recently and they fly like bullets, hit right with my field points - and so far, very durable and no pain in the ass removing from quiver, etc. I'm hunting with these this year. The Triburon 100grain. Pretty unique design.
I don't like the fact that there's a moving element to these broadheads...if that channel gets mucked up with dirt, blood, etc. you won't get the expected behavior.
What channel? Even if they don't move at all, they have a 7/8" cutting diameter, which is what the fixed blade head I'm using now has. Guys like to blame broadheads for failure all the time, when usually it's the poor shot, not the broadhead. Expandable heads (most of them) are deadly provided you put the arrow in the right place.

Or if you don't like a moving part, use the other one. Nothing moves and it still flies like a bullet. I've tried both tips and they shoot great. I just like the fly small and open a little bit wider on pressure version.
Kurt, try Slick Trick broadheads. They fly awsome and most will say the same. Fixed blade and fly damn near a field point
What the hell? I'm not trying other broadheads.. these ones are the cats ass.

-- unless I can find some that have jet propulsion and a tiny explosive charge that knocks stuff down just like that! :D
Dudes, there's no need for a new fangled compound bow or a carbon arrow. You just need to look like this!


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dynamic-solutions? Aren't they the one that have blades that look like bailing wire?? I'll stick to my Muzzys and Wac'ems thank you.....hump
What the hell? I'm not trying other broadheads.. these ones are the cats ass.

-- unless I can find some that have jet propulsion and a tiny explosive charge that knocks stuff down just like that! :D

How about sharks with fricking lazer beams on thier foreheads?
Greenhorn, here is Idaho's definition of a "barbed" broadhead:

In any hunt, including general any-weapon seasons and short-range hunts, it is unlawful to pursue or kill big game animals with arrows or bolts having barbed broadheads. A barbed broadhead is a broadhead that has any portion of the broadhead forming an angle less than 90 degrees with the shaft or ferrule.
AZ402, they're not, they kill Africa stuff, they kill hogs, put big holes in them, shoot straight, like the field tips. I know a guy who shot and killed a caribou at 98 yards with one.
Yeah under idahos laws I would say they fall on the barbed side also. Theres lots of good broadheads anymore that fly like feild points as long as your bows tuned properly
Looking through the cabela's catalog, that definition excludes almost every expandable head and a several fixed blades. Funny how that doesn't act like a barb - rounded back of blade, but by definition might be. A warden would have to be a real dickweed to actually cite somebody hunting with that broadhead. Glad I don't live in Idaho, because I'm shooting these.
You think that with the moving parts they would have taken them a bit further and had them open up a little more, like 1.25 inches to get a better payoff from all the machining. Still look like a good idea, and i like the fact that they are a 3 blade and have a cutting diameter even closed. But... i am still leary of expandables because of some penetration problems i have seen. I think they are great for deer size animals but i worry about elk, even though i have killed a couple with them. There are times when a shot is in fact not so perfect and you may hit a shoulder or spine and a fixed blade would do better. I wonder if any KE is lost when the broadhead opens.
I guess anyone should shoot what he is comfortable with.
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