July coyote calling, what's your take?


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2004
In a box under a bridge
The pups are out by now, I've seen a few, squished on the roads.
I have found then fairly easy to call in July even the adult dogs.
The very hottest part of the day slows way down. We head home at around 3 or 4 pm.
have you personally skinned out a coyote this time of year? Or even September? I’ve seen a coon and coyote skin in Texas this time of year. Shits blue and the hair falls out while you’re skinning. You could shoot him in a tub of salt and it is still gonna be slipping…. I do all my own taxidermy, and until I do my own summer coyote here in MT, I refuse to believe these high altitude yotes get as bad as NV AZ TX OK CA etc… I just missed a shot with my ol grandpappy (sentinel 9shot .22) two weeks ago and he had a thick ass coat still.. 7000 ft in elevation makes good coats 9 months outta the year. I didn’t look where the OP is located but I’d say find out for yourself if they’re worth casing… predator control is good year round, regardless. And As for the actual thread, I’ve found any decoy is better than no decoy. I’ve gone out where I’ve never seen a turkey a day in my life and used a hen/jake pair with some cuts and yelps. Didn’t see anything, started coyote fight call best I could with reed, and boom she’s out staring at those decoys like a 9 eyed dude in a 3-D movie. Won’t take her eyes off. Try to emulate whatever’s around and almost can’t go wrong.. gophers, magpies, other dogs. Cop sirens work too for locating.
have you personally skinned out a coyote this time of year? Or even September? I’ve seen a coon and coyote skin in Texas this time of year. Shits blue and the hair falls out while you’re skinning. You could shoot him in a tub of salt and it is still gonna be slipping…. I do all my own taxidermy, and until I do my own summer coyote here in MT, I refuse to believe these high altitude yotes get as bad as NV AZ TX OK CA etc… I just missed a shot with my ol grandpappy (sentinel 9shot .22) two weeks ago and he had a thick ass coat still.. 7000 ft in elevation makes good coats 9 months outta the year. I didn’t look where the OP is located but I’d say find out for yourself if they’re worth casing… predator control is good year round, regardless. And As for the actual thread, I’ve found any decoy is better than no decoy. I’ve gone out where I’ve never seen a turkey a day in my life and used a hen/jake pair with some cuts and yelps. Didn’t see anything, started coyote fight call best I could with reed, and boom she’s out staring at those decoys like a 9 eyed dude in a 3-D movie. Won’t take her eyes off. Try to emulate whatever’s around and almost can’t go wrong.. gophers, magpies, other dogs. Cop sirens work too for locating.
I’ve shot a bunch of coyotes in Montana in the spring and summer, and I’ve never seen one with a good hide. I don’t care if anyone wants to shoot them, but I’ve killed enough that I don’t need to shoot any more when they’re not worth anything.
I’ve shot a bunch of coyotes in Montana in the spring and summer, and I’ve never seen one with a good hide. I don’t care if anyone wants to shoot them, but I’ve killed enough that I don’t need to shoot any more when they’re not worth anything.
Touché. With all due respect, I was told my spring bear was a dumb hunt, filled with ticks and fleas and worms and no fat and blah blah. So much I believed it for a couple years…. Til I got my own. No ticks no fleas. No worms. No stink. Smelled better than any deer, bar none. And was able to render a bit of fat to boot! Sometimes one will have to find out for ones self…
Touché. With all due respect, I was told my spring bear was a dumb hunt, filled with ticks and fleas and worms and no fat and blah blah. So much I believed it for a couple years…. Til I got my own. No ticks no fleas. No worms. No stink. Smelled better than any deer, bar none. And was able to render a bit of fat to boot! Sometimes one will have to find out for ones self…
Bear hunting is a completely different story, one of my favorite things to do.
Just because you proved that advice given once was misinformed,doesn’t mean all advise that goes against what you hope to hear is wrong.
Watch out for rattlers.
I acknowledge that. And I can appreciate it. Jus’ sayin haha go out and get it don’t let anyone discourage you. Find out. None of this is on topic with the thread though…. Was about calling techniques.. if you don’t have any for July cuz you don’t hunt them in July, butt out…. Right?!? I left my technique..
Yes, we hunt fur in the winter. Last year we sold 70, an off-year.
The prices were good some over $100 just skinned and frozen.
We try to keep the numbers down for the deer and ranchers the rest of the year.
When they're denned up it's a very hit-and-miss thing. Now with the pups out the calling improves a LOT. BUT it's stinking HOT, almost as bad as -30*
I acknowledge that. And I can appreciate it. Jus’ sayin haha go out and get it don’t let anyone discourage you. Find out. None of this is on topic with the thread though…. Was about calling techniques.. if you don’t have any for July cuz you don’t hunt them in July, butt out…. Right?!? I left my technique..
Whoa dude. Looked to me like the topic of the thread was people’s takes on calling in July. Some people’s take is they don’t. Other people enjoy doing it and are effective at it. It’s all good. I don’t think “butt out” was anyone’s take.
Whoa dude. Looked to me like the topic of the thread was people’s takes on calling in July. Some people’s take is they don’t. Other people enjoy doing it and are effective at it. It’s all good. I don’t think “butt out” was anyone’s take.
You may be right, and I apologize. I’ve never and will never put down anyone on here for what they may or may not do differently, but if it’s okay for one to tell another they shouldn’t bother..? That’s not a technique or even helpful advice… that doesn’t meat the criteria of the thread, and I believe that was a very polite way of saying it. I’m sorry if you disagree. I was just about to comment on your antelope meal, that looks awesome, BTW
Didn’t mean to stir any pot….. I’m with D4570, I hunt them year long and am interested in any other techniques.. wish more commenters left some, thus far…..
All of this coming from a guy that takes a tasteless trophy photo of a deer that got shot in the mouth.

You've been busy today
Like I said, I refrain from the rude comments.. Wish some of you would do the same.. Taste is in the eye of the beholder. I LOVE that picture. Pure excitement. Too bad your excitement comes from putting others down, Aye JONAS?
Like I said, I refrain from the rude comments.. Wish some of you would do the same.. Taste is in the eye of the beholder. I LOVE that picture. Pure excitement. Too bad your excitement comes from putting others down, Aye JONAS?
Lmfao bud... I guess it is in the eye of the beholder. Looks like there's a new sheriff in town...

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