I'm naked

I had a hell of a time finding the courage to open this topic in case there was pictures...
Don't feel bad Fred, I get naked every once in a while too! I haven't purchased my Sportman's Package for Idaho yet but need to if I plan on doing any hunting and fishing anytime soon. Thanks for the reminder.
They worked me this weekend(18 hours) and will be on 12 hour days for a week or 2. So not much outdoor stuff to do. Basically all we can hunt are crows,groundhogs and coyotes anyways.

But I still need that license in my wallet. ;)

I looked online and with the new apprentice hunter license they changed the ages that need a adult license. Instead of having to pay the adult prices at 16 they now have until they turn 18. :cool:
YAH, I haven't bought my First set of tag's and Licences this year. I say First set because I always loose them and throughout the year I buy 3-4 additional Licenses and/or tags. This is also the First year I didn't buy a Hunting license like on Dec. 31st. Gosh I feel Naked too........ :p

I almost didn't click on this thread for fear Fred was really going to show some skin :eek: :D:D:D
I like the humor in your tabloid headings Nut. Good to know you now have your azz covered. :D
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