If you have a sec

Absolutely! There is power in prayer. As a parent of four boys (now young adults), I understand the concern as my wife and I have been in your shoes multiple times over the years. Though a tough situation now, ask your son to specifically look for the hidden blessings in this unexpected change in direction....because they will be there. God Bless your family!
Y'all might want to pray for the hospital administrators who are so bound up in red tape BS, that they are making me jump through way more hoops for the last almost 3 hours over my address of all things. Somehow payment rates and policies are different depending on the county line. They seem to be suffering from chronic cranio-recto inversion, and I'm sure would also benefit from prayer...but for now, Lord, grant me patience and understanding.
yeah there is power in prayer, I am proof of it. Definite prayers for you and your son, to lift the anxiety that this is causing the both of you and for quick healing of your son's leg. Thanks for sharing that with me via DM as you showed me that sweet new rifle of yours and some advice on optics for my soon to be long range hunter style rifle. God Bless. O:) 🙏
Prayers for you brother! Kids are so reselient and heal much faster than us. I think they may be tougher than us as well.

We have a daughter that just turned 2 earlier this month. She was born with down syndrome and a heart defect. Very scary stuff but my wife and I always kept a positive attitude and knew the care she was getting was some of the best. At 6 months they were going to do open heart surgery but just before the surgery they decided to wait until she got a little bigger and older. They ended up putting a band around her pulminary artery to regulate blood pressures. She didn't react well at first and they had to leave her chest open for a week but her body adjusted and all went well.

1 year came around and we were going to have the surgery done soon but she was then diagnosed with AML leukemia. She went through 6 months of Chemo therapy and has been in remission since after the first treatment (thank you God!). If she haden't lost all her hair you would have never guessed she was going through anything. She did amazing! So after chemo, they wanted to wait another 6 months so she could regain her strength again before repairing her heart.

Well on August 6th (1 day before her 2nd birthday) she had open heart surgery to repair 2 holes in her heart and rebuild 2 valves. The surgeon did a masterful job and we were released from the hospital a week after surgery!!! Unbelievable if you ask me!! She is so special to us and I know your boy is to you! It's hard to see them go through such things but God has his hands on them as well.

Good luck! I'm sure all will go great
I want to thank you all very much for sending your prayers up, it means a lot.

The Doc said the surgery went as well as one could, he said the soft tissue damage was minimal, and he expects a smooth road from here.

He’s in recovery now, and we should be with him shortly.

Again, thank you all so much.

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