NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Ice fising bust....


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
....but spent some time in the MT outdoors.

Fishing was slow, but beat sitting on the couch. Got enough for a meal anyway:eek:

Not a total bust weekend....the Bronco's real talent was exposed before I hit the road.:p

Last night was -6. Got a little nipppy sleeping in the pick-up.:D

GuNR is looking forward to a warmer bed this evening.



It's neg-5, can we get this crap over already.
You actually stay there all winter? I thought people only visit the hi-line during the fall... We caught a couple of small planters down in the southland, but no big ice fishes.
Hell, winter just got here. Supposed to be -16 tonight, so I might tire of it soon.
Well, I'm sure you have some pictures of your supper of fish or did you just catch ice?

Looks fun even though it was a little chilly.
Looks crowded. I'll bet GuNR would go halvsies on an ice hut and Buddy heater.
Well, I'm sure you have some pictures of your supper of fish or did you just catch ice?

Looks fun even though it was a little chilly.

Had to keep a couple small ones and though pics may or may not have been taken, I don't want to incriminate myself. Northern and walleye are in the frig and should thaw by the end of the month for a meal.;)

Looks crowded. I'll bet GuNR would go halvsies on an ice hut and Buddy heater.

Crossed my mind, but too many other toys I want to get first.
Posing on a pressure ridge? You do know there are safer places to stand, don't you?

We have lost several ice fisherman here in ND due to the warm winter and from my experiences pressure ridges are best left alone.

Great pics though which is sort of a surprise. ;)
Looks like he is either on dry ground or right next to it with the gravel in the background. I am going to try to get out soon. This weather is finally starting to build good ice. I have a double bull Dark Horse that doubles as an ice shelter. Now if I can only get my dang auger started. Great photos as always!
mtmiller - what are you fishing for? >Tip-ups would indicate maybe something big-ger, like MT walleye? northern?
btw - great pics!

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