I should apologize to Randy for this

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They don't want it bad enough yet. Crimes of all sorts will have to get worse, and then they'll either vote for a new jail, or move away.
I wonder if there's an alternative to jail that we could invest in to help people that are struggling with drug addiction and non violent crime?

Guess not, expand the jail it is.
Democrats own the prison system in Oregon? Pull up your pants, your bias is showing...and classic example of why nothing is done about mass shootings.
What are you even talking about? Are you fantasizing about being in prison with me? Gross.

I know you know that state governments, like the Oregon dems, have a say in prison system budgets, etc. But in Oregon people don't believe in prisons. We instead like to watch the news every night about some homeless dude/sex offender roaming outside an elementary school. Good times.
I wonder if there's an alternative to jail that we could invest in to help people that are struggling with drug addiction and non violent crime?

Guess not, expand the jail it is.

To the credit of @156256Wenaha we are trying that in Oregon, and it has not been very successful:

To the credit of @156256Wenaha we are trying that in Oregon, and it has not been very successful:

Thank you, and did you notice the positive stories [about drug addiction assistance] came out, within a week or two after the Oregon State Auditor issued a report, finding that the funds that were supposed to go to treatment, hadn't been used much or weren't effective?

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Well I was afraid this would open a can of worms that's why I said sorry Randy 1st
I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ but you don't have to just treat people right and have respect for your fellow man. I wish I had a better Idea on why this crap happens but I did want to know what others on here thought. Some of the folks that have commented are guys that I've have good conversations on here about other subjects over the yrs thanks for chiming in
I do think that we have lost the Idea that all human life has value even if that person totally disagrees with the things we believe in Then I think some believe they are an enemy and that's sad. I was raised in a home with having a spirited debate was good and we didnt have to scream at each other to make a point
Most people that commit mass shooting/murder here aren't in jail either...they're dead.

IIRC, the percentage is in the neighborhood of 80% are either killed by LEO or kill themselves.
This mass-shooting trend is a hate-filled, deeply angry and rightfully frightening evolution of suicide-by-cop.
Sorry, 8thA is part of that document for this exact point.
And back to my point earlier about this is Gov that won’t allow what we need.

Consequences persuade actions. I firmly believe, until we have real consequences that persuade this particular action it will continue.

As of now we don’t have enough teeth to do what needs to be done. We are like a dog on the end of the chain barking and accomplishing nothing by discussing why a chain and not a cable? Maybe if the dog was on a leash? Or if it was just a fenced in yard it would be better. Does the dog not preach god?

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
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