Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

I can back up the Internet.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Just bought a 300 gig... ohh thats 300,000 megs, or 300,000,000,000 (Count the zero's) bytes external hard drive......
Sounds like Moosie is over compensating for something.......With a hard drive that big, you should almost be able to fit all your porn on it, or maybe a few illegally downloaded songs from the internet.
Actually it's USb 1.1 or USB 2 or Fire wire. I use the Firewire at the office on that computer and I'll hook up with USB2 at home. I've been carrying and unhooking my computer every day at the office. that thing gets heavy and falls over easy :p
OK... we need to act as a support group here: Moosie, You have a problem!!! Admit it, you have way too much power and you have no idea what to do with all of it!!!
Did I read that last one right? You don't have it hooked up yet? So we all still have time to seek out a safe place when you TRY to take over the world???? And here I was stressin about it. LOL
Congrats on the new set up.
Quick Draw
This is so that he can advertise in outerspace with out going thru an advertising agency... Hunttalk will be the talk of the universe in a very short amount of time now.... :)
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................Just wondering wy you or anyone would need it.

Thats what they said when I spent $400 on an extra 4 megs of ram to help run on my 486, I had years ago.... 3 times the RAM anyone I knew had. my Acad ran lightning speed... ;)

Only 4 months later 4 megs went to $180....

300 Gigs alot ? try uploading video from a camcorder, fills up fast :D :D

I have 1 gig ram on this computer and 750 on my work computer. 180 gigs there and 160 gigs here on this one. NEver enough space or speed !!!!!!!

All that power and no spell check ;)
OK, Maybe I have a couple songs... but other then that, No room... but thanx :)

Moosie Wispers "How much" ;)
The Mooseman,,,known only to a few as " The Inter-Net He-Man( picture: Mossie holding up a monitor and saying,,,I HAVE THE POWER) hump

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