

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2019
Couple things I have noticed at least in my little community. The Hutterites that surround out little town have been amazing. They brought in a delivery truck full Eggs, Bread, and Potatoes and gave them out to anyone that were in need. The colony also sewed 855 masks and brought them to out county health department, for anyone in the community to come get. Most of the local food businesses have kept many employees and turned them into delivery drivers. The community has really backed the small mom and pop shops during this time.

We have been out of school now for two weeks and the Governor just passed a shelter in place for another 14 days. I was out in my shop working last night. I overheard my son talking to his friend on his airbuds. They were playing horse, counting steps from the basketball post out to where they were going to shoot. My daughter and her friends get on a conference call every day to do their schoolwork together, just like they did in school.

There is a lot of bad coming from this virus, but I was hoping to put up a post where people can post, and others can see the awesome things going on in the communities we live in.
As a middle school teacher, I have had many students reach out. Not with content area questions, just to check in and have some normal. A couple adults have put together "virtual happy hour's" or had social distancing parties from the ends of their respective driveways.
Couple things I have noticed at least in my little community. The Hutterites that surround out little town have been amazing. They brought in a delivery truck full Eggs, Bread, and Potatoes and gave them out to anyone that were in need. The colony also sewed 855 masks and brought them to out county health department, for anyone in the community to come get. Most of the local food businesses have kept many employees and turned them into delivery drivers. The community has really backed the small mom and pop shops during this time.

We have been out of school now for two weeks and the Governor just passed a shelter in place for another 14 days. I was out in my shop working last night. I overheard my son talking to his friend on his airbuds. They were playing horse, counting steps from the basketball post out to where they were going to shoot. My daughter and her friends get on a conference call every day to do their schoolwork together, just like they did in school.

There is a lot of bad coming from this virus, but I was hoping to put up a post where people can post, and others can see the awesome things going on in the communities we live in.
During good times people tend to act more rude/impatient. Then we really see now that as a nation we can come together and help others when in need. There's plenty of bad people out there still, but most people are willing to do what it takes to help others through a tough time. It's human nature to do so!

Definitely a great idea for a thread!
As a middle school teacher, I have had many students reach out. Not with content area questions, just to check in and have some normal. A couple adults have put together "virtual happy hour's" or had social distancing parties from the ends of their respective driveways.

I was just reading that in a different town in Montana the teachers did a parade in their vehicles, through the districts to the kids could see that they are all ok. I know for kids the teachers mean so much to them, I though it was a great idea especially for the grade school kids.
At the animal shelter I used to volunteer at, they were able to foster out all the dogs and cats so none of them have to be at the shelter while no visitors are allowed. Some of the people fostering are even making really sweet videos of the animals so they will hopefully be adopted. Warms my heart.
It's so good to see acts of kindness during these times.
Our suburban housing addition has been putting stuffed animals in the windows for the kids to discover on their walks around the block. Last week it was colored construction paper for their walk.

The school district did a scheduled teacher drive by/parade for the elementary kids.
Great idea. I have seen so much good come out of this in our community. People are checking in with each other constantly, teachers are calling my kids to make sure they feel comfortable with their remote learning, friends picking up grocery orders for those most at risk, and friends singing happy birthday to me from their car. I think the response from most has been overwhelmingly positive.
Great stuff! Around here a couple of sewing groups are making home made face masks for the local hospital and other medical facilities. several others have volunteered to pickup and deliver groceries etc to those that are stuck at home.
Wife was shutting down her lab and came across a big box of n-95 masks. Asked her boss what to do with them. He said find some place to give them to. She stopped at the hospital on the way home and asked if they could use them. They just smiled and said Yes!
At the animal shelter I used to volunteer at, they were able to foster out all the dogs and cats so none of them have to be at the shelter while no visitors are allowed. Some of the people fostering are even making really sweet videos of the animals so they will hopefully be adopted. Warms my heart.
It's so good to see acts of kindness during these times.
my wife manages our local shelter. They almost pulled that off. There's still like 5 critters there but even they are walked everyday by some employees deemed critical. We did our part and have one foster joining our pack.

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