PEAX Equipment

Huge unit 8 NT bull


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Just talked to stand he said they(paul) just measured a 447 not typicle sitting in williams, guy got it with a recurve he is from michagan.

was rough taped

this came from stan.(az 402) about 2 mins ago.


You gotta be thinking how much easier it will be tipping one over with a rifle. You gotta be losing sleep at night. God, I wish I had your problems! :D
yeah I am sweating, now I think maybe I should pass up any bull under 320 again, when I did that in 2001 I screwmyself on the first three days, but heck its just a elk :rolleyes:
if I dont get a big one I will sign the tag over tuesday to my daughter for elk.

Almost got april talked into going up there with anthony and leaving claudia at my parents house for the weekend.

I would really like Aoril to be up there she hasnt hunted with me in 8 years and we used to goto gether all the time.
The bull from 8 is a fricking monster. We rough taped him at 447. The bull has a 43 inch third on his right side with a 9 inch kicker on in it!!
One of Pete's guides did,the thing is a monster. My first week hunter shot a non-typ but nothing in the way of this bull...........