How would Zinke be as DOI head?

IDK. Wouldn't Bullock then appoint a representative until the next election?

Seems to me he's been pretty good on the land transfer and sell, and would be a decent choice as DOI head compared to the other names being floated around. Montanas would you approve?

No, but at this low point he'd probably be the lesser of 2 evils. To my knowledge he hasn't yet promised to destroy the very Department he may or may not be offered to be in charge of, as has every other pro business billionaire tabbed for a Cabinet position.
Wouldn't Bullock then appoint a representative until the next election?
Yes, from three candidates nominated by the Republican party in Montana.

Would it still be "fantastic" if they nominated Scott Sales, Matt Rosendale, and Kerry White? (There is a long list of scary choices: Jennifer Fielder, Debbie Barrett, John Brenden ... and on and on.)
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Yes, from three candidates nominated by the Republican party in Montana.

Would it still be "fantastic" if they nominated Scott Sales, Matt Rosendale, and Kerry White? (There is a long list of scary choices.)
Or Montforton, Fielder, and of course Wittich (Montanan's rep at the RNC). Hell, throw Baleyat and Essman in pile too. The extremists in the party currently have a majority and that wouldn't end well. I don't think Zinke has a bigly enough understanding of the issues to be a good DOI, not that that is a requirement anymore. With Trump you probably just have to say yes. I expect Zinke's next step will be the Senate and he probably doesn't want to wait 8 more years.
Yes, from three candidates nominated by the Republican party in Montana.

Would it still be "fantastic" if they nominated Scott Sales, Matt Rosendale, and Kerry White? (There is a long list of scary choices: Jennifer Fielder, Debbie Barrett, John Brenden ... and on and on.)

I gladly retract my fantastic comment given your list. Sorry, I wasn't aware of the choices.
I wasn't aware of the choices.
Those are a few "worst-case" possibilities, with regard to the public land transfer and outdoor recreation and access issues. There could be more moderate nominees, but with the current leadership in the Montana Republican party and legislature that scenario is much less likely.
Out of the slate of possibles, he's about a B-. He's good on LWCF & Transfer, bad on handing management to the states and bad on planning & public involvement. He's attacked current BLM head for not knowing about an allotment specific change because it was about domestic bison and he's been punitive on the committee to a number of land managers.

However, I'd take him over many of those mentioned. Other names that are in the mix supposedly are Huntsman of UT (Good) & Sandoval from NV (great). I was hoping Gov Mead would accept the call but he's decided not to leave WY. Not a hard choice all things considered.
I thought McMorris-Rogers was a done deal last week. Should we think otherwise?

I think Zinke would be a good choice. He's a moderate in my opinion.

Ben, I think it may be a good thing for Mead to stay in WY. He's a voice of reason in a state who's politicians seem to be pro transfer.
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I hate to make any predictions this day and age, but I think Zinke would not want the DOI post. He is eyeing the Senate in 2018 and DOI doesn't help that. He might jump at Dept. of Defense, though.
Well there is that, Mr. Long.

We'll see. Zinke is upwardly mobile and knows it. Secretary of the Navy would be awfully appealing to him.
Zinke as a leader in DOI has been supported by many in Montana. I do think he would take it if offered. It has been an interesting coalition of groups and people that have been pushing for Zinke at DOI.

Short of nominating ourselves, each of us will have some places of disagreement with whoever is nominated. When looking at the landscape of who it could be, who has been stated as the front runners to date, I think Rep. Zinke would be a far better choice in the minds of most public land advocates I know.
Zinke's office has confirmed that he was offered the nomination. Now it is up to him to take it, or not.
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