PEAX Equipment

How to smoke a quarter?


Active member
Aug 4, 2019
Hey everyone, had a quick question. I’m interested in attempting to smoke some whole whitetail quarters (front and hind) but I was wondering about meat preparation. I assume trim silver skin and fat that you can get to but what about the glands and such? Any other tips on preparing the meat or just in general I appreciate! Hope everyone’s doing well
never done it myself, though i intend to one of these days, but i'd probably give a good long brine soak first
Posted last year when I did one I bumped that thread to the top so you can check it out. Whatever you do don't overcook it.
Rinse and dry. Do either a wet or dry brine. I dry brine with kosher salt overnight. Apply your run and smoke at 225 for 6 hours. I finish mine like a brisket. I foil them with a little apple juice in there and cook for another 6 hours at 225.

These times are for a mule deer front shoulder. Adjust yours accordingly.
I tried to do a whole rear whitetail leg on the smoker last new years using big Bob's whole leg recipe. Dry brine for a day and then on smoker. After couple hours put in large roasting pan after sawing leg bone to where meat pulled back to. Some carrots and potatoes and Bob's white sauce went in. Well at 11:30 it wasn't at temp. At 4 am it finally was but the party was over by then. Took way longer than I thought. Meat fell apart and white sauce was amazing. I put leg on at 3 pm. And was finished when meat was 200deg 13 hours later20191231_171018.jpg20191231_190556.jpg20200101_041006.jpgResized_20191209_102612.jpeg20191204_203357.jpg
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