Caribou Gear

how is you outlook this season


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
i know for some of you deer season is over, some its not yet started and some of you are just getting started.what does or did your season look like.

bow season just started here and i took this week off to do some serious far ive seen 5 deer (all out of range) and got a shot at a big turkey and thats a whole different story.after deer season is over ive already got my sights on alot of quail and squirrels. this year looks really good for 870 youth to get his first deer and maybe another hog or two.
Season for deer looked great because I shot my first buck using archery gear. :D :D




Now hopefully around the middle of October I will have some pictures of my first bull for all of you. :D :D
Deer season is starting the 12 of October and the deer herd population is up so that is encouraging news.Now hopefully we can just find the deer.
Here in So Cal, I get to check out my buddy's 480 acres down south that back up to National Forest. I have no idea how good that will be. Then I go to New Mexico in November, and I know where there is one big buck there. I will probably have to arm wrestle Jorge for him, though. Otherwise, it will be hunting the rim rock in New Mexico, hoping for a big one. I think I will pass on anything that is not worth going on my wall, as far as deer go.
Well My deer season down here in sothern A zone sucked. Too hot and dry. And when it cooled off it was full moon. I didn't get out that much. Maybe next year
Tim, tellem bout your first bow kill.