Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hats off to the guys that shoot big bulls

I've started assuming 90% of all bulls over 350 are the result of high dollar outfitted hunts, high fence operations, access to premium land or unusual (and often undeserved) luck. When I see a 5 point or "small" 6 point, I know the hunter probably worked his or her butt off and I feel a kinship.

The above is a tongue in cheek response that may or may not have been thought and believed a few times in my life. I'm a P&Y measurer and I've never broken the 300 inch mark on an elk I've killed. I'd love to kill one that would qualify for the book but if I had to choose from hunting elk every other year or just killing one big bull and never hunting elk again, then the Book will have to go without my name.

The act of hunting, finding, killing and retrieving an elk is such a unique and worthwhile event that the action and not just the object is what should be honored. I've got a couple of broken up racks on my wall whose stories mean more to me than the inches. Without the stories, the inches are empty numbers.
Asking the score, 100% fine.

A member posting a pic a bull and saying, really happy about this bull I measured it 213, and then someone PMing the poster, or replying on the thread and saying, "Yeah saw your post, so here's a pic of an actual 213 bull, clearly it's bigger so your bull is probably only 205." 🖕
Well, now I get your point. Some folks just never take their azzhat off I guess.
So I shot my first elk this year a cow and my first shot her first elk a bull. Not huge but a 5 point. I was curious how it would stack up so measured for future judging of bulls. I came up with 213. Dam boys and I feel its a nice bull I guessed like 250 at least haha way off unless I measured wrong. 250 is a big bull in my eyes then 300 class must be huge 350? You guys are killing it. Anyone have pics of 250 260 class bulls? View attachment 162364View attachment 162365
Congrats on an awesome bull!!!! I would be proud to place my tag on that bull.
Congrats! I think that's a beautiful bull! I'd be pleased as heck to get one like that. I'll do a little dance when I shoot a cow, too. In my opinion, when it comes to elk, the meat makes you awfully lucky, no matter what's growing out of the head.
Shot my first elk a cow this year also and was probably more excited than any other animal I've taken
@jharcourt8 that is an awesome first bull that's going to be a cool mount, what are you thinking?
This one is 242-ish gross, if the passenger side mirrored the drivers side it would have been right at 250. 6x6
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This bull is 280-ish we just measured one side, then took a WAG at how much smaller the other was..

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The bull on the left is a 5x4 and narrower than the one your wife shot... maybe scores 190, the bull on the left had it's tines rebuilt, as rebuilt lets call it 290, it's a 5x5, if it had a G5 on each side it would likely have been 300-310, though hard to say if the rebuilt tines were longer or shorter than the originals.

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Honestly bulls larger than ~200 don't fit well in normal houses. My favorite mount and the only one in my house currently is a idk 170 bull I killed. Your wife's bull hopefully tastes awesome and honestly is the perfect size for the living room of any home.

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Awesome all cool bulls. Appreciate the comparison
I have only shot one elk (a raghorn bull) and I don't see myself passing up a 200" bull in the next 10 years. Probably won't pass a spike (or whatever the minimum legal elk is in the area I am hunting) for at least the next 5, maybe 10 for that too.
Great bull. Be proud of your wife for making a great shot and enjoy those back strap steaks.
Horns are a bonus and those are a nice set of antlers. Thant bull would make a great euro mount.
I didn't mean to knock this bull we are super happy with it. Just didn't realize after everything I've watched and seen just how big a 213 bull or 250 bull really was. A 200" bull is wayyy bigger than I was thinking
I'm not sure if the rant earlier was related to my remark or what the deal was but to be clear if I wasn't enough. I never knocked your bull or wife's bull you both should be damn proud of that bull. My comment simply reflects over time I've learned every bull is a good bull and a blessing. Matter of fact every elk is a good elk. Lots of people never get an opportunity to take one let alone giant bulls. Over time bigger bulls may or may not come but that's the thrill of it. What's over the next ridge. Keep after it partner and good luck.
I'm not sure if the rant earlier was related to my remark or what the deal was but to be clear if I wasn't enough. I never knocked your bull or wife's bull you both should be damn proud of that bull. My comment simply reflects over time I've learned every bull is a good bull and a blessing. Matter of fact every elk is a good elk. Lots of people never get an opportunity to take one let alone giant bulls. Over time bigger bulls may or may not come but that's the thrill of it. What's over the next ridge. Keep after it partner and good luck.
Actually nobody has knocked mean dms...all positive feedback. Appreciate all the nice comments I agree every elk is a nice elk and great eating between my cow and her bull this year we are eating good!
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