Caribou Gear


The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Any other locals going to be paying out max deductables on your home and auto insurance after today?

It was an expensive few minutes. The hail at my office was a bit larger than what's in this video. Some were the size of tennis balls. Every car in the parking lot was damaged, about half lost windshields.
Video of today's hail


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That is crazy! I've seen vehicles covered in hail pockmarks but have never witnessed a hailstorm that could cause such damage.

Imagine being caught on a motorcycle in something like that . . .
The hail wasn't so large on the north end of town, at least from what I saw. Lost a window at work, some cars took significant damage. I got off light, maybe $20 in damage to my truck, nothing to my house.

Some folks have a real mess on their hands. Is your house alright?
I'm anxious to see what the damage is to my truck, it's all dented up and I lost the front windshield. I have vinyl siding on my house, the west facing side looks it was the target of a drive-by shooting, 10 guys with semi-auto shotguns. I have a $1000 deductable, and hope it will be good for doing my entire house.

Here's some of the busted up siding on my place..


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I have been through three of those in the 15 years I have lived here in Glasgow. It is no fun but everything can be replaced.

The real work is paying attention to what the adjuster is doing and I wouldn't sign the first estimate they give you unless they are willing to go over it with you item by item. We got almost $5,000 more by for our house by not agreeing with the first offer.

I am in MN on business, and Mrs. Finn sent out an S.O.S while I was taking on some business at the lake this afternoon. Only one vehicle window gone, all outdoor fixtures, one vent, some shingles, a handrail on the deck, and all the screens on the south and west side of the house. Have Hardi-plank concrete siding and wife says it looks OK, Guess the claims adjuster will determine that.

Not a good day to be gone. That was south of town about 4 miles.

My office is not far from where Greenie was collecting those golf balls. We have lots of big windows on the west, so I hope they are in tact. Better call the office in the morn.
Saw some video of it on our local news and was wondering how some of you faired. We have been getting pounded with thunderstorms the last week or so on the Idaho side of the divide, but luckily no hail like that. Best of luck to everyone on cleanup and repairs.
Does hail like that form because there are a crap-ton of warm and icy cold layers between the ground and the cloud where the rain initially falls and as the "rain" falls, it picks up more layers of ice? Man I hope no one got hurt but it definitely sucks about the property damage loss.
My truck pretty much looks like i gave all my kids a hammer and told them to go hit all the raindrops on my truck with it...... You won't even be able to get to a repair shop in the next 6 weeks im guessing. Glad to see the repair shops are going to suddenly have a banner year though:)

all my trees branches are laying in the yard, all the screens ripped apart on my windows.

I saw the brand new LaQuinta Hotel on 7th had almost every window on the south side broken out.
last night we had the greatest display of lightening that I've ever seen here. Glad we didn't get the hail.

That really was a doozey wasn't it?
I was in Lolo and watched the whole thing. We had some hitting pretty close, lucky to not hear of anyone getting hurt yet. Notice the damn airplane fly right through it? couldn't believe they wouldn't have redirected.

That hail is insane. Like Crittergetter said, the local glass and body shops are going to cash in.
We lost five windows at work. they smashed right in front of me,. I wasnt able to go move my truck in time so have half dozen small dents in hood, but not bad enough to worry. My renatal trailer faired okay.

I watched a dozen cars get destroyed out fornt of work as they tried to crowd under cover. One lady had thousands in damage and had just picked up her new car taht morning. BIllion and Ressler said thier car lots were hit hard.
I had reports all day at work from customers about their homes, all the windows in a highschool nearby destroyed, MSU's dorms on west side gone, the hospital, the Webster Hotel got it bad on westside, and all cars downtown Bozeman (mall) etc.

The worst though was a farmer I talked to who lost $30,000.00 in one field alone!!?? (wheat I think he said, but not sure?)

I've been thru several hurricanes in south Florida that were much more severe, but for the sheer brief nature of the phenomona and to see so many folks upset by this with deductables and coworkers who canta fford them in these tuff times; it was abad day in Bozeman.

We had a hail storm like that a few years ago. I had a brand new Toyota Tundra that got pelted. It was around $6500 worth of damage.
Amazing. Hope everyone came through it ok and don't suffer to bad a monetary loss.

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