PEAX Equipment

Grizzly Bear on Highway 83 Seeley Lake MT

6mm Remington

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2014
Westen Montana
Unfortunately this old guy had a collision with a car on Highway 83 in the Seeley Lake Montana area and lost. I sure hate to see animals go completely to waste like this whether it's a deer or anything else.

They estimated it weighed 640 pounds. Thought you folks would like to see this. The population must be doing well up there.


That does look like an old bear. I hunted there in 2014 and had several locals, including Dan O on this forum stop and warn me about the grizzlies. I didn't see any that trip though.
Looks like an old warrior. Thanks for sharing the pic.
Too bad. What a neat looking bear. Wonder what the car looks like. Can't imagine too many people take their car to the shop because they hit a grizzly bear.
Maybe 15 years ago someone shot a similarly colored one in this area thinking it was a black bear.

A couple years later a hunter in the same area killed a giant black bear in self defense. He thought it a grizzly and self reported. When the warden showed up he helped him tag and load it, and the guy ended up with quite the trophy.

Huge variations in colors of both species, for sure. That area's incredibly thickly vegetated, and there's tons of bears. You've got to be on your toes and ready to make snap judgement calls.
Good Riddance

I know, right? When I think of all the comments in the thread "Temporary Hyalite Target Shooting Prohibition Permanent Proposal" and the idea of getting rid of wolves and grizz, the west is rapidly becoming the east. We're getting there folks! Keep up the good work.
No, the west started to get as bad as the east when the liberal eastern city folk started to fund the re-introduce EVERYTHING initiatives. :hump:

They're dangerous animals and they hurt a lot of people, which only seems to be escalating.
No, the west started to get as bad as the east when the liberal eastern city folk started to fund the re-introduce EVERYTHING initiatives. :hump:

They're dangerous animals and they hurt a lot of people, which only seems to be escalating.

Tell me more about these grizzly reintroductions.
In terms of Grizzlies, none. But you have a lot of opposition to opening hunting seasons for them by the same people who supported the re-introduction of wolves. That is what I am saying. Trust me, the Libs back here drive me up a wall as they do many people in rural NY :mad: The city centers are anchors and their influence (money) extends far past county lines and state borders.
No, the west started to get as bad as the east when the liberal eastern city folk started to fund the re-introduce EVERYTHING initiatives. :hump:

They're dangerous animals and they hurt a lot of people, which only seems to be escalating.

Wrong. The west started to get like the east when they killed off all the wolves, grizz, bison and over-populate with humans. Reintroduction of grizz makes the west like the west, and less like the east.

Grizz do NOT hurt a lot of people. You want to see a lot of people hurt, then go back east where there are a lot of people: the *real* dangerous animals. Killing each other left and right and yet you don't see efforts to make the east like the west.
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