Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Got One! - Montana Buck Down


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Bozeman, MT
Went out yesterday to try my luck again. To keep it short, I missed the big one, but ended up shooting this one ten minutes later at 30 yards. This buck spotted me at 50 yards, then kept coming towards me. When he put his head down to rub his horns on a bush I drew and let the arrow fly. He went 50 yards. The buck tag is filled, but I still have two doe tags.


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Wow. That top picture is some seriously funny stuff. I can see how it might confuse the hell out of an antelope. If I have some early luck on elk in MT, I might have to try that. Can tell you were on an archery antelope hunt due to the quiver half full of bloody arrows. Congrats! Looks like fun.
Not for Everyone

:hump:I've tried a similar set-up for whitetails, but I look kinda stupid in my treestand wearing an antler helmet!
Great Buck anyway!
It does look funny. However, it DOES work.

congrats that is a nice buck and I like the costume they are starting to catch on I might need to get one seems to work
those suits kill me1 I would love to see you at wendy's or filling up the gas in the suit. They obviously worl though! Congrats!
Best way to catch a rabbit is to lay in the grass and make a noise like a carrot..

Well done. I'll have to remember that trick..
My goal it to put on a giraffe outfit and kill a lope and take a picture with it and tell people it works. I could make a million $$$'s !!!!!

Although, there is always the chance that
one rancher or redneck to decide to do some long distance poaching
that might still shoot me ;)
I'm sure it works, but antelope are very curious animals.................I've personally seen ALOT of things work, including the stupid wave a white flag trick:) Thought that was a hoax until i watched it work. Bout got run over by a buck using the montana decoy the first time i tried it. I think the truth is, just about every decoy works about the same with the exception of the big cow, it seems to be just above the rest:):)LOL