Caribou Gear Tarp

Good luck


New member
Jan 26, 2011
I thought I better introduce myself since I'm new on this forum. My first love for hunting developed decoying waterfowl...



but as I've improved my ability to fool birds, I've been spending more and more time looking for other challenges.

I've lucked out and been able to harvest some deer and pronghorns but I'll have to admit I'm a newbie to Elk...



My only successful draw on an elk tag has been a very low success rate late november archery hunt in Custer State Park, SD. I had an amazing time and could have filled on several cows...


but I held out for a bull and unfortunatley was busted at 100yds by a brute on my best opportunity.

I just wanted to wish everyone good luck on the 2011 Wyoming draw!
Wow, if you get the hang of elk hunting the way you have it figured out on the waterfowl, the wapiti could be in big trouble. Welcome.
Thanks, I'm really lucky, we have world class bird hunting in SD, and some pretty good Big game hunting. Although, the oportunity on elk is very limited... I guess that just adds to the challenge!
Thanks guys, I live in Sioux Falls. I wish I could claim that is a SD goat, but I had to head over to Wyoming to find him. My brother got back from a tour of duty that took him to Iraq and Afghanistan and he wanted to go on a North American safari when he got home, so we went to Wyoming and SD, where we were lucky enough to fill all three of our tags in 2 days. It was a great welcome home to say the least... Here are his two bucks he got on the trip...

SD goat

Wyoming goat

I definately learn something every trip I go on, I wouldn't say I have too much figured out, but do find that the harder we work the luckier we get!
Tell your brother thanks for his service and if you stop into the Scheels store say hi to my brother and his son as they both work there.Love the muley, building points now to take a run at getting one of them.
Welcome. You look like you have a passion for hunting. Your came to the right place. Would love to see more waterfowl pics. Are you addicted to spring snowgoose yet?
Unfortunately my busy time at work hits March 15th so I don't get alot of time to chase them on the spring migration... but the trade off is lots of time off in the fall! Here are some more Waterfowl pics...






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Nice pics! Thanks for sharing. I've been over to your country in the last three spring seasons. No doubt you live in the waterfowl meca! I think I'm passing on this spring season to concentrate on black bear and horn hunting.:mad: