Yeti GOBOX Collection

Good HCNs piece on whaling and anti hunters

It sickens me that someone would make death threats to a kid for providing food for a village in thier traditional, legal, and ethical ways. Steve Shepherd is just a being an internet bully. Sad
Although this is an extreme version I can see things like this becoming more of an issue for hunters and anglers in the years to come. Internet words and threats don't mean much but when it begins to make people who are legally and ethically harvesting their animals question whether it's worth the backlash, that's when it becomes a problem. The anti's are good at rallying to attack something, hopefully we can be as good at defending those very same things. The thing that really irks me about those people attacking the kid for harvesting a whale is that they are most likely the same people crying out about internet bullying and other politically correct nonsense. Their self awareness is frightening.
It's ironic. People like this guy would have seemingly no problem making death threats to the boy yet... get outraged when talking about a "unique self aware, intelligent, social, sentient being" such as the whale that fed a whole village. Why are people not ok with different values when those values don't encroach on yours. These animals are heavily regulated, and the population has grown more than threefold in 30 years. This isn't about the possible extinction of a species. Yet, because this boy and village don't abide by the same beliefs this criminal does, they are the ones that deserve to die?
Jim Shockey did a 2 part program on Point Hope Whaling. It was a great show that showed the respect of the whale the villagers have for it. The Sea Shepherd is a group of Terrorist if you ask me. John
I am against whaling in a sense. When Native villagers use it for food i'm 100% for it. What the Japanese do I don't support at all, most whale species are endangered. I'm also against Shark Finning