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I'd have to agree...that price might make sense for those that just want to dump some money, or have money they can burn. But for a lot of folks...that is too spendy to be paying every year. Maybe they should break it up into areas like the OnXMaps you can just get a single state for cheaper.

If it's worth while it would be worth it if you had invested points in numerous states and find it difficult to keep up with the odds, success and quality of certain units in multiple states. If sites like can save me a couple hours time in researching then it's worth it!

I've got points built up in three states for multiple species and have a hard time keeping up to date on the hunts I am applying for. the worst thing that could happen is I apply for a tag that was great five years ago and draw only to find out my hundreds of dollars and the year I've spent waiting for a good tag is maybe not what I was holding out for.

on the other side, if I can find a sleeper unit with this resource I can save myself money in purchasing points that are necessary.

It's worth it as you start to build points!
One thing I found really useful was the year over year list of tags available which can help indicate if this is a declining unit....or in the case of Utah, where you're tags are being taken from.


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Hey guys -

I want to introduce myself first, I am Lorenzo Sartini and President of The idea of was sprung from doing way too many hours of research and getting extremely frustrated not being able to find all the answers. I knew there should be a better way, so a team was formed, and set out to build that better way to research.

Over two years in the making, INSIDER was born and launched in late 2014. I will be around to answer any specific questions that you might have and I'd be happy to get those squared away.

For now, it seems there is some confusion on what the $149 gets you, and I can quickly break that down. Currently we have six states live - NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM, and ID. We will be launching WY in the coming weeks and MT soon after that.

Within each state you will find –

- Technology powered tools such as "filtering" so you can find the specific species and hunts you are looking for. For example, you can search search Idaho, mule deer, over-the-counter rifle and see all the units that offer a hunt matching that criteria. Once you see a unit you like, you can click over and research it in more depth.

- 5 year trends on average temperature, and precipitation by month on a unit specific level.

- 5 year trends on resident and non-resident tag quotas with the correlating harvest success on a unit and hunt specific level.

- INSIDER covers every unit/area in the states we have live. We do not select a top 5 choice or "staff picks". With the amount of info we have on every unit, INSIDER's can find the opportunities and hunts that are truly producing what they are looking for.

Added Benefit –

- We have a very aggressive monthly giveaway schedule. You are automatically entered into the giveaways every month for the $149 membership. In the past we have given away -- 3 custom rifles, 5 sets of head to toe Sitka, and 5 pairs of Zeiss 10x42 binos. This month we are giving away 5 pairs of Kenetrek boots, and future items will be elk hunts, deer hunts, and more top of the line gear.

As I said before, that is a quick breakdown from me on what INSIDER offers. If you have time or would like to do a little more research on the product I would encourage you to visit - there you will find product videos, samp;e unit profiles, and more details on everything we offer.

As a team, we will continue to bring you more information and more product enhancements to help make a hunters life easier. We have some awesome enhancements coming soon!

Thanks! and sorry for the long post...
is there any aprox date when you may have oregon and washington added?

As it sits currently, we will be launching OR and WA after we get MT up and live. We have had a good demand for OR, so we have already been getting the ground work laid there and should be able to move fairly quickly.

Sorry I can't give you an exact date... But I can promise getting those states up and live is a priority for us.

As it sits currently, we will be launching OR and WA after we get MT up and live. We have had a good demand for OR, so we have already been getting the ground work laid there and should be able to move fairly quickly.

Sorry I can't give you an exact date... But I can promise getting those states up and live is a priority for us.

Those of you who have used this for a bit now any input on it, it better/worse/same as some of the others subscription sites out there, accuracy of the info on the units, etc? Thanks
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Those of you who have used this for a bit now any input on it, it better/worse/same as some of the others subscription sites out there, accuracy of the info on the units, etc? Thanks

I just spent a day with them and got to test the new upgrades coming in January. For those of us addicted to researching multiple states, the enhancements are very cool.

Should have a promo code for you soon that will give you a $50 gift card. More to follow when I get home.
I just spent a day with them and got to test the new upgrades coming in January. For those of us addicted to researching multiple states, the enhancements are very cool.

Should have a promo code for you soon that will give you a $50 gift card. More to follow when I get home.

too late on the promo, I already sub to it. I haven't gone through it all yet but was hoping to find a section w/draw odds like hunters trailhead.
too late on the promo, I already sub to it. I haven't gone through it all yet but was hoping to find a section w/draw odds like hunters trailhead.

Draw odds (most complete and predictive draw odds I've ever seen) ........ coming to computers, January 2016.
Just back home from RMEF Elk Camp. Four days of good time interacting with the best volunteers I know of. And, meeting with some companies who are big supporters of RMEF, including the guys at

They gave me the "keys to building" for a few hours. I got to look around and test drive the new enhancements they are adding in January. Lots of good stuff to add to what I think is the best unbiased unit-by-unit data out there.

The enhancements I focused on are two parts; draw odds and filtering (search criteria).

I have used, and still use, most every research source that is out there. I have gotten rid of some,as the only thing worse than no information is incorrect information. Something I hold as important as tag applications and research requires as much data as I can get and the best information I can get.

When it comes to draw odds, we are have tried to figure out a way to predict our probability in states that look at more than one choice before they move on to the next app. And we have all tried to predict our probability based on our bonus points and the bonus points of those who are competing with for tags. Being a CPA, I consider myself a "Charlie Daniels of the spreadsheet." I can use Excel with the best of them. Yet, I've never been able to figure out a manner that allows me to calculate my probabilities caused by the two complications cited above. Like all the other research services, I've pretty much just looked at 1st choice only and known that if the state looks at more than one choice, my odds are probably a bit better than shown.

GoHunt, as part of their new Insider service, has contracted with PhD statistician who can solve the problems I mentioned above. They have written the code that takes the historical data, by residency, by point total, for all of your choices, and can calculate the probability of drawing.

The searchability feature, or as they call it Filtering V.2, is also a great feature. The more data that state collects, the more you can filter your search. Some states do not collect a lot of data, as they do not have mandatory reporting (MT). Some have a ton of data, with NV probably collecting the most.

Here is how I was able to use both of these features. Some background for the experiment. My son has 15 NV bonus points for elk. I wanted to see what his draw odds would be based on criteria he would be looking for when burning that many points.

I entered the following search criteria based on data NV collects. I wanted units with;

60%+ success rate
50%+ bulls with 6+ points or more
40%+ bulls have 50" main beams or longer

Since NV collects that data for all hunts, the system sorted it and gave me the eight units that met my criteria. NV gives you five choices and looks at all five of your choices before going on to the next application. I was able to input five choices in whatever order I wanted. I did that based on the filtering results I got from the search criteria above. It then provided the odds of drawing.

My home state of MT does not collect much information, so the filtering in MT is not going to be as indepth as it is for a state with tons of data, like NV. But, even the most basic data to search is still a huge help in any state research.

This is something I have been looking for since I started the out-of-state application game in the early 1990's. I've never been able to do it myself and I've never found it in a research service. Rather, I have accepted the odds we all find; something like, "Note - these odds are simplified to reflect first choice applications only." Something that reads to me as, "Note - these odds could be completely inaccurate, or somewhat accurate, proceed at your own risk.

I suspect when this is rolled out next month, GoHunt will have a smash hit on their hands. If you already subscribe and your get their unit-by-unit information, their species-by-species information, precipitation data, etc. you find that very helpful. They do not provide unit recommendations, which is something I am thankful for. They provide a huge amount of data and let you use that for forming your own strategy.

Promo code to follow in the next week or so.
I'm going to buy myself this service for Christmas.You said theres going to be a$50 rebate??Ijust don't have the time needed to study all units in depth.If I can just type in what I'm looking for in a unit and get the draw odds that would be exactly what I need.How much imfo do they have about each unit?
Was wondering if I missed the update on that promo code? Looking forward to giving the insider a try.
I just bought this the other day and its been very useful for me.When they add the draw odds in this month it will be much better.Now,I can find out a ton of imfo about every unit in the states they cover.I've already decided on elk units for my sons hunt thru this service in both Wy and Co;in case he doesn't draw Wy.Its going to be extremely helpful in states I knew little about but have wanted to hunt such as Az and Utah.They also have some great articles written on their site for reading.If I have questions on a unit theres a place where I can ask those,and they have some pictures so you can get a feel for the terrain
Coming from 2000 miles away, all this is very useful to me.The price tag is a little high,but when you consider all you have invested in points/license fees,I think its money well spent
So Mixedbag did you get in on the 50$ gift card, or signed up with out a promo code? Ive only heard great things about joining on the insider and it would be great if i can get a third of that back in a gift card.
Promo thru hunt talk hasn't happened yet that I have seen. Randy's hunting buffalo. I would guess 1st of the year.
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