
I'm fine w all the chaos, lies, closures, misery. How else will voters learn to do their research instead of voting for the one w the best hat or sharpest tongue? RE responsibility, one party controls all 3 elected entities. To blame anyone else for the shutdown is Spin City.

^^^ This is ignorance. This is a congressional issue, no part for the president to play in this specifically, the Republican house did vote for the CR and then ALL of the Dems with a few gutless, sackless Republicans voted to hold us hostage for DACA and illegals. There is no spin to those puke-bags saying that they would refuse to vote for a CR based on THAT issue. Both sides are populated by deplorable human beings, and I don't choose to throw my lot in with either group, but ANY claim that addressing illegals "issues" is important enough to stall ANY part of the operation of our government is simply grotesque. Apparently the Dems have now seen how bad the backlash has been and are caving as I type. But, it will never change the "side" they have chosen and it isn't the side of the American people, federal workers or the military....it is the side of criminals and illegals.

President Trump has recently expressed his willingness to reach a deal with Democratic lawmakers on recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but two key White House aides have argued that an agreement requires harsher immigration rules, The New York Times reported.

According to the report, chief of staff John Kelly and senior policy adviser Stephen Miller have pushed for a tougher immigration policy, as lawmakers continue negotiations over a bill to fund the government. DACA, an Obama-era program that shields certain immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children from deportation, was central to those talks, which did not result in an agreement to stop the government shutdown that now stretches into its third day.

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham has criticized Miller throughout the negotiations, the Times noted, with the South Carolina lawmaker referring to the Trump aide as an “outlier.”
“His heart is right on this issue; I think he’s got a good understanding of what will sell, and every time we have a proposal, it is only yanked back by staff members,” Graham said Sunday, referring to Trump.
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^^^ This is ignorance. This is a congressional issue, no part for the president to play in this specifically, the Republican house did vote for the CR and then ALL of the Dems with a few gutless, sackless Republicans voted to hold us hostage for DACA and illegals. There is no spin to those puke-bags saying that they would refuse to vote for a CR based on THAT issue. Both sides are populated by deplorable human beings, and I don't choose to throw my lot in with either group, but ANY claim that addressing illegals "issues" is important enough to stall ANY part of the operation of our government is simply grotesque. Apparently the Dems have now seen how bad the backlash has been and are caving as I type. But, it will never change the "side" they have chosen and it isn't the side of the American people, federal workers or the military....it is the side of criminals and illegals.

Respectfully, you are wrong.

Your outrage is warranted, place it in the correct spot. Dreamers are serving in the military. Do they deserve to be deported? What about the veteran dreamers who served our nation with honor? What about the first responders who saved dozens of lives during the last hurricane season?
You could just call it a "warming fire" and skip the permit. :D

Its funny that burning slash piles was brought up, I've been waiting on decent snow to take care of a bunch of machine piles from timber sales. We do prescribed burning safely, professionally, and responsibly according to a burn plan. We've been hampered this year due to a relative lack of snow, chasing pile burns that have walked off into the slash as we lost our snow cover and I was anticipating getting out today after our good snow this weekend. So much for getting work done on the ground...
He is. He's giving tours to tourists on the capitol mall. I'd much rather him leading tours than the Dept. of Interior, so - silver lining!

The shutdown sucks. It's a failure of congress to actually do their job and pass a budget. Congress wasted budget reconcilliation (51 votes to pass) on tax cuts rather than on passing a budget. Tax reform had a good, bipartisan group working on solving some of the problems, but donor dollars were more important to the majority, so they used their procedural gimmick to get what their donors asked for - more money.

If they would have actually done their work and focused on putting a budget together, we wouldn't be looking at a short term CR. Yet here we are. Dems have been promised votes on stand alone bills, only to never have those votes come up because of McConnell. Rather than blaming one side or another, look at leadership and see how they've not done a damn thing they said they were going to do, especially when it comes to budgets. A gov't controlled by one party should be able to pass a budget, don't you think?

THere is a good coalition of dem & rep senators working on a solution. I'd rather put my hope in that vessel than continue to carp about what either party does. Dreamers are not illegals. They are registered aliens and were given protection because they were kids when they came to the U.S. They're veterans, first responders, largely college educated and they have low criminal rates. They pay taxes, have solid family lives and are productive members of American society. They're exactly the kind of people that make America great.

The Solomon's choice offered by McConnell for CHIP ignores the last 5 months of efforts to reauthorize CHIP, only to be stymied by McConnell's refusal to bring it up for a vote. It has 58 yes votes already. Dream Act has 56, IIRC.

We're at an impasse because the leadership wants a fight, rather than to govern.

I hope it ends soon, and we can get back to bashing the poor decisions that this administration is making. It's much more comical to do that than to look at 545 fools who can't seem to find common ground on anything.

Except that DACA folks ARE ILLEGALS who have been simply enrolled in a program based on an Obama policy (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals- only a deferral of deportation, NOT giving them LEGAL status) in direct contravention to federal immigration law. The biggest problem with it is that it directly rewards criminal activity (in this case the crimes committed by the parents of the DACA folks) . My point is NOT that they should be deported. I am NOT for restrictive immigration, I am all for immigration for folks who we can vet for security purposes. My problem is that our elected officials would ever put the welfare of non-citizens in front of citizens.
Except that DACA folks ARE ILLEGALS who have been simply enrolled in a program based on an Obama policy (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals- only a deferral of deportation, NOT giving them LEGAL status) in direct contravention to federal immigration law. The biggest problem with it is that it directly rewards criminal activity (in this case the crimes committed by the parents of the DACA folks) . My point is NOT that they should be deported. I am NOT for restrictive immigration, I am all for immigration for folks who we can vet for security purposes. My problem is that our elected officials would ever put the welfare of non-citizens in front of citizens.

I agree. Which is why it is entirely disengenous to tie CHIP to this shutdown as well. Since Sept, a bipartsian coalition has been pressuring to get kids health insurance back up and running (9 million kids use it). McConnell has refused to allow the vote.

Same with Dreamers. Those kids did nothing wrong, and deporting them after they complied with the regulations is wrong, yet that's what leadership is setting up by refusing to bring a bill forward. This is a massive failure of leadership on McConnell's part. Lindsay Graham knows it and is saying so. MAny other GOPers know it as well. Dreamers deserve to have a vote brought up. I supported POTUS when he ended DACA EO because yes, congress should do their job. They haven't and under McConnell, they continue to use almost 1 million human beings as pawns for political reasons.

Add the 9 million kids on CHIP and you now have a leader of the Senate who holds the future of 10 million people in his turtle like claw and rather than do good things, he lets them swing, and you as well. It's time for the Senate to govern and quit pissing down our backs.
^^^ This is ignorance. This is a congressional issue, no part for the president to play in this specifically, the Republican house did vote for the CR and then ALL of the Dems with a few gutless, sackless Republicans voted to hold us hostage for DACA and illegals. There is no spin to those puke-bags saying that they would refuse to vote for a CR based on THAT issue. Both sides are populated by deplorable human beings, and I don't choose to throw my lot in with either group, but ANY claim that addressing illegals "issues" is important enough to stall ANY part of the operation of our government is simply grotesque. Apparently the Dems have now seen how bad the backlash has been and are caving as I type. But, it will never change the "side" they have chosen and it isn't the side of the American people, federal workers or the military....it is the side of criminals and illegals.

Well, when this gets hammered out, the President who you say has nothing to do with it will somehow take credit for solving it. Some things never change, all bad shit is the other guys fault all the good or perceived good the POTUS will take credit for, believe me!
When every attempt at compromise results in someone screaming "slippery slope" or "give an inch and they'll take a mile" you know the government is broken.
Well, when this gets hammered out, the President who you say has nothing to do with it will somehow take credit for solving it. Some things never change, all bad shit is the other guys fault all the good or perceived good the POTUS will take credit for, believe me!

According to Graham, it is the White House, through that freaky little twit Stephen Miller, who is holding things up. Everytime there is a deal made, the WH rejects it.

Lots of blame to go around here.
Well, when this gets hammered out, the President who you say has nothing to do with it will somehow take credit for solving it. Some things never change, all bad shit is the other guys fault all the good or perceived good the POTUS will take credit for, believe me!

And the irony of all this is how Trump placed the entirety of the blame on the President during the 2013 shutdown.

According to Graham, it is the White House, through that freaky little twit Stephen Miller, who is holding things up. Everytime there is a deal made, the WH rejects it.

Lots of blame to go around here.

Somebody screwed up by not pounding the chit out of the worthless little twit “Stephen Miller” when he was in grade school.
Its funny that burning slash piles was brought up, I've been waiting on decent snow to take care of a bunch of machine piles from timber sales. We do prescribed burning safely, professionally, and responsibly according to a burn plan. We've been hampered this year due to a relative lack of snow, chasing pile burns that have walked off into the slash as we lost our snow cover and I was anticipating getting out today after our good snow this weekend. So much for getting work done on the ground...

Sounds like you have at least a couple weeks now to getter done! Good luck down there.
Well looks like we are getting another CRA band aide so we can get back to business stalemating and strong arming each other to yet another impasse!
Well looks like we are getting another CRA band aide so we can get back to business stalemating and strong arming each other to yet another impasse!


Time for McConnell to actually govern and get a budget passed.
Well, when this gets hammered out, the President who you say has nothing to do with it will somehow take credit for solving it. Some things never change, all bad shit is the other guys fault all the good or perceived good the POTUS will take credit for, believe me!

Happens no matter who is in office, eh?
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