Fuming over "let it burn"


Dec 23, 2000
So do you think the USFS should put the local economy concerns ahead of forest health concerns in this case? Put it out or let it burn? I say burn, baby burn!


Belated decision to fight fire angers residents scarred in '02

VALLECITO - The Forest Service's initial decision not to fight a lightning-sparked wildfire a few miles north of this lakeside resort has local residents fuming and U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell complaining to the agency.

The Bear Creek fire began burning July 6, and the Forest Service started fighting it Thursday after it grew exponentially and moved toward town. The blaze had burned more than 1,300 acres by Friday and smoke was visible from Durango more than 30 miles away - a harsh reminder of last year's devastating fire season.

Full Story Here
Is there no end to the hypocracy of political misfits?

Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt GWBushit and his republican cronies pushing the "healthy forest initiative"?

Funny how they want to use "whatever means necessary" to improve forest health, yet, here we have a classic example of using a very natural method to clean up the woods, promoting health and then a REPUBLICAN senator says this:

""I think that it is just completely dumb," Campbell said Friday. "It scares the hell out of people who still remember what happened to the economy of Durango after the fires last year. It could just kill the Durango economy just as it's starting to come back."

Campbell, a Republican who lives nearby in Ignacio, fired off an angry letter Thursday to Forest Service chief Dale Bosworth, complaining about the decision to first "monitor" the fire ignited by lightning about 8:30 p.m. July 6."

Its intuitively obvious, even to a casual observer, that the republicans and their healthy forest initiative are a smokescreen (pun intended) for political payoffs to their campaign supportors (ie large corporate timber companies).

If Bush really supported HIS OWN INITIATIVE, he'd rein in this moron Campbell in a hurry, and use an opportunity like this to show the people of Colorado and the American Public that he is really serious about "using all available means" to get forest health back.

Want to make a bet Bush doesnt say a thing?

I bet he'll be all over the media though when a few projects involving logging to reduce fuel loads and promote forest health are completed.
Mr Ben Nighthorse is just whoring for vote.
The votes in Colorado lie not with hunters, but more with the bunny hugging city dwellers in their Beamers and SUV's,....who could give a rat's ass about forest management...they just don't like the smoke
Cambell is going with the popular majority crying wolf over the fright of fires...it's a safer bet for the politicin than actually making a stand on something.....don't you just love these guys...
Let them keep shutting down and putting out the fires as fast as they appear, it only creates job security for me in a big way...LOL...
I will have to admit...the idea of you off fighting fires is not at all a bad one...
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