Frequently Banned Troll

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Under the Bridge
Here it is.. that lucky little kid with another elk. Someday he will hit puberty... when he does.. look out.

Great Bull... The kid looks exhausted...

How does he get the elk to smile like that??

Of course he's exhausted! Look at where he's sitting! He didn't shoot this elk, he rode it like a Brahma bull and wrestled it to the ground! ;) Great animal, FGH. Congratulations!
As you can see he came at me head on But I broke his neck with one quick snap. I was sneaking in for the "kick him in the balls to death" shot, but he got agressive on me and I had to swich to Yetty style.

Oh yeah my 02' bull is just a little bigger.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-18-2002 09:33: Message edited by: fuggingoodhunter ]</font>
I met this KID earlier this year, He doesn't look much older then the PIC .. !!!

NICE '02 BULL MAN, even if you look 15 !!!!!!! ;)
Well the story is I was just wandering aroung in the woods sorta like greenhorn does every year. I called that bull in with a moose call. I had a moose tag at the time and until that elk stepped out I thought he was bullwinkle. He walked out and thankfully greenhorn had given me some great advice earlier in the year like "you should shoot 6-pointers". I double lunged him at the extreme range of 6 yards.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-18-2002 09:47: Message edited by: fuggingoodhunter ]</font>
OK, I'm confused. What year bull was that? It must have been what, 98, 99? When you just got your license at 12?? Just chittin ya, Nice One FGH!