Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

food plot

Jordan I know this doesn't answer your question but there might be something to learn here. As you've seen in this thread there's a lot of different opinions on what ''Real'' hunting is.
My advice to any young person is 1. Always obey the law. 2. Develop good ethics.
Number one is usually pretty easy,number two however gets a little tricky sometimes. What is ethical in one part of the Country may not be in another,and sometimes is even illegal. I'll give you an example,running deer with dogs is considered ethical in much of the Southeast, however it is not only considered unethical its Illegal in most of the rest of the Country.In a lot of areas it is considered ethical to waterfowl hunt without a retriever, however down here where I live it's considered ''Poor form'' because of the potential for loss of downed birds in flooded timber. Only you can decide what ethical for you. I've heard ethics described as what you do when no one is watching.
Go forth young man and enjoy your time in the outdoors. Obey the law and remember that being a hunter is a good and decent thing, don't make it some contest or use it as a means to prove your manhood.
I know it - its nuts. My apologies. Plot and cam away. Guess I love the idea of scouting, walking a tree line, hedge row, finding beds, rubs, the trails they use, re-creating the scene, planning out a position and being in the woods period.

Anyway - you plan on attending SCI? How close are you to Dallas noharley?
AND, what do you boys think of the new hire @ UT!
Strong was a great choice.

I'm 2 1/2 huirs from the expo site....not a bad drive til you hit metro traffic. Will probably go Friday unless my son want to accompany me..then Saturday. Some pretty cool bling...optics, rifles, gadgets....Brazillian models, etc.

Charlie Strong is an excellent hire. The respect he's given from everywhere he's been is proof enough for me. He or David Shaw would've been good fits. Saban is no doubt a helluva coach but Strong will make people forget Saban with the resources Texas affords him.

Best to ya putm...I take no umbrage with your whitetail tactics remarks...opportunity trumps predicated methodology every time.and I enjoy your beautiful state every chance I get.
putm2sleep, if you read my post about food plots and trail cameras, you would have noticed that I stated that's what I do on my family property. What I do on my dog hunting club is quite different. On that property I do walk the swamp (where possible) looking for scrapes and rubs along trails and bedding areas to determine the best possible areas for still hunting with a rifle during the week days when we aren't running the hounds. Since spot and stalk is not an intelligent or viable method of deer hunting in SC's coastal swamps, understanding where and when deer travel and how it changes from summer months and the beginning of our season on August 15th, through the fall and winter months, the pre-rut, rut, post rut and the end of the season on January 1st; it's imperative to know the how, when and where to be in position to kill deer throughout the season, thus making it a must to know the woods and the swamp through walking where possible (and when it's intelligent to do so).

As you pointed out, what's legal and ethical in one part of the country may not be either in another part of the country; however, to condemn one cultural aspect because you don't happen to agree with it certainly doesn't make any method better than another. As a matter of fact, one of the major reasons that there are different methods and different laws just happens to be whether or not a state has more private land than public as well as the geographical and topographical differences between the parts of the country, along with deer population variances from state to state ( and as in SC from areas within the state itself).

BTW, I would like to think that everyone on this site is a responsible hunter so the point of doing what's legal (thus ethical) in an individual's state should be a no-brainer and wouldn't require an admonishment to follow the law in one's state.
Wow, what an ugly response. Seems there is some confusion over a food plot planted for the purpose of attracting game, and a crop planted for harvest/profit. It just seems to me that food plots are a form of baiting with growing/unharvested bait. Baiting is illegal in Oregon where I'm from and I'm not the only one on this forum that openly criticizes such "hunting" techniques we see all the time on most of those commercialized TV hunting shows. So, next time the subject of TV hunting shows comes up check out the critics are saying. Don't single me out, I wasn't the first.
Wow, what an ugly response. Seems there is some confusion over a food plot planted for the purpose of attracting game, and a crop planted for harvest/profit. It just seems to me that food plots are a form of baiting with growing/unharvested bait. Baiting is illegal in Oregon where I'm from and I'm not the only one on this forum that openly criticizes such "hunting" techniques we see all the time on most of those commercialized TV hunting shows. So, next time the subject of TV hunting shows comes up check out the critics are saying. Don't single me out, I wasn't the first.
You were singled out since you felt the need to open your yap on this thread. When it comes to game animals and hunting, does the "reason" for planting something change how the cirtters use it? If I plant 2ac of food stuffs for deer on my property and shoot one, how is that different that the deer/elk/pronghorn being shot off of the alfalfa fields in eastern OR? Yes I've seen that very thing done on a TV show.
huntRme, there is no such thing as hunting that doesn't include some form of baiting. In the swamp country, we even use corn and sweet feed or some other food attractants besides running deer with dogs. Out west, you guys hunt the rut, ridgelines, draws, and native food sources, you park on a hill top and glass the bedding areas and the water holes, or work the large grain field edges and the natural travel routes, some of you use doe in heat scents and decoys; so guess what! That's baiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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