Yeti GOBOX Collection

Few fishing pics


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Water is still pretty hard around here, but conditions were better down south a few weeks ago. Fishing was pretty good.





Great pics Miller.

Ever since I watched that Discovery show with the pelicans eating the gannet chicks, those birds have freaked me out. Pretty amazing what they can eat.
How far south? Are those tilapia?

These shots were taken at the Riparian Park in Gilbert, AZ. A little embarrassed, I was trying to figure out what kind of fish they were and was coming up empty. Of course I have the patience of a four-year old. I think you and Oak are correct with tilapia. I would not have guessed that.
Great pics Miller.

Always enjoy your pictures, (although I am a little jealous).
I feel the urge to head west....

Thanks. I wish I could have gotten better shots as these are heavily cropped and handheld. The "regulars" at the park had the closest action and wow did I have lens/tripod envy.:W: Still a good time and I will be more prepared if I go again.

Head West young man. I will be shooting grouse in about 6 weeks. You are more than welcome as long as you don't mind sleeping on the ground close to leks.:D
Head West young man. I will be shooting grouse in about 6 weeks. You are more than welcome as long as you don't mind sleeping on the ground close to leks.:D

Thanks for the invite. It would be great to get shots during their courtship, I remember your photos from last year. With my west trips being very limited, I’ll have to pass. With so many opportunities in the western states, it’s hard to choose one over the other. I’m hoping to make a photo trip for bugling elk.

"Head West young man." and yes I continue to fight the urge. I could easily sell the house and hit the road with camper in tow, travel the US and do nothing but photography.....oh well.. we all have to dream a little huh.

Keep up the good work,
Thanks again.
Nice pictures.Last summer I rolled up on a flock f pelecans for a closer look with my boat,they stink like no other its enough to give your noes hairs a perm
Great Shots, as always. I have an office on the 16th floor overlooking the Red River and I have a flock of White Pelicans doing their circle till were are high enough flight to Cross Lake nearby. The neat thing is as they circle they almost hit my building, really cool to see. John
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