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Fatassed ATVers dont get a break...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Say goodbye to off-road travel on federal lands...

Long live the hiking boot.

RENO, Nev. - For decades, off-road vehicle enthusiasts have been mostly free to roam federal forests and rangelands at will. But their freewheeling days could be numbered.

In a move expected to generate controversy, the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are developing plans to restrict the vehicles to designated routes and areas.

Federal officials say the proposal is essential to curb environmental damage and ease conflict among users of public lands. Nationally, they cite a sevenfold increase from 1976 to 2000 in the number of off-roaders to 36 million.

"The days of blazing new trails are coming to an end," said Leo Drumm, off-highway vehicle coordinator for the Nevada BLM. "Off-highway vehicles are a legitimate use of public land, but there has to be some controls."

Nowhere would the proposed changes have a bigger effect than Nevada and its wide-open spaces.

The federal government controls 87 percent of the state, and Nevada is home to the largest national forest outside Alaska: the 6.3-million-acre Humboldt-Toiyabe.

While the vast majority of Nevada's backcountry is unrestricted to off-roaders, federal land managers have begun the process to ban travel off designated routes and areas.

And while the changes might be most dramatic in Nevada, similar efforts to address off-road travel are under way across the West.

"We're all recognizing at the same time the need to work on this issue," said Bob Vaught, supervisor of the Humboldt-Toiyabe. "There's widespread agreement that we need to do a better job of managing off-highway vehicle use."

Even though a Forest Service national off-road policy awaits final action nearly a year after it was unveiled, individual national forests are being encouraged to address the issue because of soaring off-road use.

Federal land managers are taking a cue from Forest Service chief Dale Bosworth, who identified unmanaged recreation as one of the four biggest threats to national forests.

BLM Director Kathleen Clarke shares Bosworth's concerns.

Environmental and motorized recreation groups praise federal officials for confronting the issue, but they say a battle looms over which roads and trails to close. Conservationists are concerned not enough roads will be closed to protect wildlife and habitat.

"We need to encourage them to act in a way that will result in real on-the-ground protection," said Jeremy Garncarz of the Wilderness Society's Denver office. "We're losing wildlife habitat on a daily basis because of these problems."

Most hunters welcome the push to keep off-road vehicles to designated routes and areas, said Stan Rauch, hunter outreach coordinator of the Washington, D.C.-based National Trails and Waters Coalition, which seeks better management of the vehicles on public land.

Traditional sportsmen have accused those who go off road to hunt using all-terrain vehicles of disturbing their hunts and punching out more new roads in remote regions across the West.

"It's a good positive development for the land and users looking for a quality experience on public land," said Rauch, a big-game hunter from Victor, Mont., and member of the National Rifle Association.

Vehicle enthusiasts will try to keep as many roads and trails open as possible, said Brian Hawthorne, public lands director of the BlueRibbon Coalition, a motorized recreation advocacy group based in Pocatello, Idaho.

"(Environmentalists) are spending millions of dollars to close public land to public uses," Hawthorne said. "That's where the controversy is generated. What we want are managed off-highway trail systems and areas ... we can enjoy for generations to come."

Gerald Lent of the Nevada Hunters Association said most off-roaders are responsible and are being unfairly singled out. He questions the need for restrictions.

"Out in the middle of the desert, what damage are you doing with an ATV?" Lent asked. "It doesn't hurt anything. There's so much land out there I don't know how they would harm it."

Last year, Nevada Wildlife Commission Chairman Tommy Ford got a taste of the intense feelings involved when he recommended a plan to prohibit hunters from driving ATVs more than 25 yards off established roads on public land.

Ford, who said the proposal was necessary to protect wildlife and habitat, shelved it after Lent and other hunters circulated petitions calling for his removal and printed bumper stickers that read: "Ban Tommy Ford, Not ATVs."

"They mislead the public on everything. They made it a personal issue," Ford said. "But it (off-road restrictions) is going to happen. It's happening as we stand here."

Implementation will vary, but some districts are shooting for as early as 2007
Another nail in the coffin! :D The Blue Ribbon Coalition has been a miserable failure. I'd feel sorry for the suckers who have been sending the BRC their hard earned money, but I've been warning them for years. :rolleyes:

Brian Hawthorne and Gerald Lent are a couple of idiots. Hey Ten Bears and MD4me, sell those ATVs while there's still people stupid enough to buy them!

"Vehicle enthusiasts will try to keep as many roads and trails open as possible, said Brian Hawthorne, public lands director of the BlueRibbon Coalition, a motorized recreation advocacy group based in Pocatello, Idaho.

"(Environmentalists) are spending millions of dollars to close public land to public uses," Hawthorne said. "That's where the controversy is generated. What we want are managed off-highway trail systems and areas ... we can enjoy for generations to come."

Gerald Lent of the Nevada Hunters Association said most off-roaders are responsible and are being unfairly singled out. He questions the need for restrictions.

"Out in the middle of the desert, what damage are you doing with an ATV?" Lent asked. "It doesn't hurt anything. There's so much land out there I don't know how they would harm it.""
First, I am not an ATV enthusiast. Second, I support defining the specific forest roads where they can be used. If a 4x4 pickup truck or jeep is legal then so should ATVs be legal. They do far less damage than a pickup on wet roads. Third, that desert comment is about as dumb as dirt. The desert takes far longer to recover than a forest area. As long as restrictions are reasonable and prudent I would think most hunters who use ATVs would support them.
I agree the Forest Service and especially the BLM need more restrictions on ATV use. They shouldn't be allowed off roads or trails anywhere.

The guy who made the comment about "what damage could you possibly do with an ATV in the desert" is a moron!

But I agree with Ringer also...if a pickup or jeep is legal an ATV should be also. I just used my ATV to get within about 1/4 mile of my bear this last weekend. :D I was on an old logging road, would have been legal to drive my truck down it, but why scratch up my nice shiny blue paint??? :D
Are there rules like, if its real wet, don't make ruts, even on a legal road? Pretty hard to enforce, unless its private land, that's the problem, with all of this.

Are there low impact boots? What about making that, say with spikes, so they areate the soil, we could make a million, eh? What do you think?
"Out in the middle of the desert, what damage are you doing with an ATV?" Lent asked. "It doesn't hurt anything. There's so much land out there I don't know how they would harm it.""

Typical ignorant attitude of the fat assed ATV crowd. :( Think any of them can figure out why they're losing so many places to ride?
There's alot of ozone out there, how can you hurt it? There's alot of ocean out there, how can you hurt it? SILLY ARGUEMENTS. Many of the areas I hunt are already ATV restricted. I have noticed more game, less noise and fewer lard asses. I am not opposed to fat dudes hunting, I am opposed to lazy slob hunters tearing up my hills, leaving fuel cans in drop areas, creating a cacophany of sound and leaving an area complaining how there just isn't any game out there. It's called effort, put some forth and you will be rewarded. I am 6'04" tall and weigh 265lbs. Fat, Yes, lazy, NO!
MattK said:
The best investment an ATVer can make is a good pair of hiking boots.
I don't know about that. I think the Fat-Assed ATV'r should invest in some spare spark plug wires, a couple of cans of fresh gas, and a "field repair manual", just in case they sometimes find their ATV not in operable condition when they leave it parked somewhere it shouldn't be.... :D
Yawn! How can you yawn with so much exciting news every week about more restrictions on ATVs? This definitely is not boring to those of us who have been listening to all the fatassed ATV crowd BS all these years about how they're going to educate everyone about ethical riding.

Keep sending that money to the BRC! :D
Vehicle enthusiasts will try to keep as many roads and trails open as possible, said Brian Hawthorne, public lands director of the BlueRibbon Coalition, a motorized recreation advocacy group based in Pocatello, Idaho.

"(Environmentalists) are spending millions of dollars to close public land to public uses," Hawthorne said. "That's where the controversy is generated. What we want are managed off-highway trail systems and areas ... we can enjoy for generations to come."
How can implementation of what is described in the article be considered a failure as far as the BRC is concerned?
First of all notice that Hawthorne tries to blame this on "Environmentalists". You mean the BRC isn't interested in protecting the environment? Doesn't he know hunters are pushing for closures too?

As for the crap he says about, "What we want are managed off-highway trail systems and areas ... we can enjoy for generations to come.", we all know they want open riding everywhere. It's just that now they're seeing the writing on the wall and will settle for whatever they can get.

Does anyone actually believe closures of huge tracts of land to ATVs are a victory for the BRC!? :rolleyes:

Face it, the BRC has been a miserable failure. :D
cjcj said:
Where is the "enforcement"... restrictions and closures are worthless without it?
You mean to tell me that if there is not a LEO within 100 yards of a Fat-Assed aTV'r, then the laws are worthless??? The Fat-Assed crowd won't follow the law because it is the LAW, they will only comply if their is somebody with a gun and a badge watching them???? Kinda speaks poorly of their morals, doesn't it???
JoseCuervo said:
The Fat-Assed crowd won't follow the law because it is the LAW, they will only comply if their is somebody with a gun and a badge watching them???? Kinda speaks poorly of their morals, doesn't it???

Well, don't want to get off topic, but I find it funny that you say this, yet you don't have a problem with a person who breaks the LAW by coming across our country's border. Speaks poorly of their morals also, I would say.

I agree that ATV riders should follow the law whether somebody is watching over them or not, but we do need some laws and enforcement of those laws, because some people just don't care. Start taking away their ATV's when they get caught riding in areas that are off limits, and word will get around quick. They just need to make examples of a few, and after that I think most people will comply with the law. We don't even necessarily need law enforcement officers everywhere. Just need some serious punishment for those who do get caught. Nowadays with cell phones I would think law breakers would be much more concerned with being turned in by somebody who just happens to be in the area. (if we had serious penalties to back it up)
Maybe what we need is for everyone to enforce the ATV restrictions with a pair of wire cutters (work great on plug wires), a small container of Karo syrup, etc.

Maybe the fat-assed lawbreakers will see the light....

Nothing like the sound of a seizing motor to bring back reality. :eek:
Buzz, the problem with that, (besides being illegal) is to do that you are assuming that at some point they are going to get their fat ass off the ATV. Hasn't it already been established that fat asses never leave the seat of their ATV? I mean, you're not going to stop them at gunpoint, force them to get off the ATV, and then cut wires and pour your syrup in the gas tank, right?
I agree with W.H.... and thats what i was getting at ENFORCEMENT...STIFF PENALTY etc,etc,...but sure is funny how Buzz and HOSER think its ok for them to break the law [vandalize] some one elses property. Same guys who didn`t want the M.M. to do a legal citizens arrest......but back to the point you can make the fines a million dollars and pass all of the laws you want but if you don`t back it up its WORTHLESS.

And as a side note if i caught ANYONE vandalizing my property,truck,atv,etc....They would be begging for mercy.
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