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Fall Turkey Tactics for deer


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well we seperated a group of does in 2 seperate groups by accident. I set the boys up soemwhat in between the 2 groups in the hope they would rejoin. It never happened.

I was wondering if they had a fawn bleat call and called on it if the does would have connected?

Whatcha think
Nut, I'm not exactly on the Primos Pro Staff
but I would think that it's a little late in the year for the fawn bleat to work. Could be all washed up on that, though.
Nut, If you split the does from the yearlings you bet they would of come running, but if you split a doe and a yearling from another doe and yearling it probably would not have worked. Speaking of turkeys a turkey call works wonders to cover up any little noise you make in the deer woods. I have walked up on deer that were a little spooked with just a few yelps on a turkey call sometimes will calm them down.