Extreme Huntress

Montana Hunter

New member
Dec 9, 2010
Kila/ Kalispell, MT
I am hoping to find some help from other fellow hunters. My name is Angie Haas-Tennison and I am new to this forum. I just recently found out that I am one of the top 10 women in a national contest that is looking to find the most die hard female hunter. The winner will be determined by online votes from now until Jan 1st. I was hoping that you might go to www.tahoefilms.com and take a moment and cast your vote for me. Winning this contest would be a once and a lifetime opportunity for me. I am a working mother of 2 little kiddos and Hunting is my Passion. I would love your support. I'd love to chat or answer any questions. Thanks for your help. Angie Haas
FYI - I just voted for Alyce Typton and I will do so again, again, and again with every other email address I have if you keep dumping your lame attempts to win a hunt on us. It would be one thing if you actually contributed anything to this forum, but you don't.
I always thought "help from other hunters" was help to pack meat, tips on where to hunt, etc. - not getting people that don't know you from adam to vote for you to win something that affects us in no way. Please go away.
I just voted for you, your name is Marissa Oaks, right?

The worst part is, her spam campaign is working...she's in the lead.
We are all gonna be laughing when her 5 spam posts here get drawn from Randy's End of Year Oprah-like Extravaganza and she wins all the cool swag.....
We are all gonna be laughing when her 5 spam posts here get drawn from Randy's End of Year Oprah-like Extravaganza and she wins all the cool swag.....

Fortunately, the voting for the Extreme Huntress ends January 1. She'll never be on this site again to realize she won anything and the unclaimed prizes will go back in the random drawing.
No offense intended.... she is kinda Hot - naked pics would tell for sure...:D

I'm just don't like the lead capture voting system...


If you want my vote, you have to buy it and I am not cheap.

Ok I am cheap and I already made my demands:p
Maybe she'll come back and say thank you ?

Spam works... thats why people do it. You blast enoguh info in enough places and even if you are in Zimbobwie someone will eventually send you money or vote for you online :D

Good luck Mrs.Angie Haas-Tennison of Montana.
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