PEAX Equipment

Ever been to Latvia?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Hastings, MN
Ok. I know this is odd, but have any of you ever been to Latvia? I'm going next week and I just thought I'd see if any of you guys had been there. If so, do you have any recommendations for restaurants or things to do? A couple years ago I posted about the Czech Republic on a forum and got some good info. Well, how bout it?
I spent 2 days in Riga the summer of '90, but honestly I don't even remember what we did there other than shop for souvenirs and eat at a horrible restaurant. I still have a Latvian flag somewhere that I bought on the street for about 50 cents. I'm sure it's changed dramatically since that was back in the communist days. I think there are some neat churches to see if you're into that sort of thing. I do remember the people were incredibly friendly as with most eastern block countries from my experience and very proud as well. I was an exchange student in Moscow 1991-92 and my host father used to travel to Latvia often for work, but I never had the chance to go back with him. St. Petersburg is not far away and there are a million things to see there.

If I were going to that part of the world, I'd look into hunting capercaillie. No idea how expensive or involved it is, but I think it's about the right time of year for hunting them. Read this if you've never heard of them before...

You're not going there to pick up a new wife are you? ;) ... Have a great trip!
Thanks BillyGoat,
I’m going over there to play in a hockey tournament, not for a new wife ;) . I’ll be in Riga the whole time and not planning on going into Russia. If I were, I’d look into the hunting you mentioned.
What is this talk about shopping for a wife? Any links?:D

Kidding, good luck on the trip MNHunter.
CZECH + HOCKEY + WOMEN = Big Burley Women with Pit Hair, Come on Mtmiller, is'nt that the type women that would keep a man warm at night!!!hump Get ya some, Tear it Up! :D John
I hear Dick Cheney is partying in the Baltic states right now. Maybe you could get him to stick around till next week and go on a hunt with him. :D
I spent a couple of days in Riga in 2002.
Women are either beautiful or ugly. No middle ground here.
Lots of things to see down town in the old town center. Just walk around and take lots of photos. Prices are coming up due to the E.U. You must spend time at the outdoor markets, they are open year round and offer some really good deals.
We went to see Salispils(sp) an old concentration camp. Gives you a little first hand insight. No guides, you just walk around and read and look for bullets in the dirt.
Enjoy your trip, take your sig other, and buy lots of chocolate.

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