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ElkGunner Has No Respect for Fire Fighters!!



"Don't confuse "firemen" who risk their lives to save people (and structures) with Pulaski motors, who dig ditches and prune shrubs...." - - E.G.


"Don't confuse "firemen" who risk their lives to save people (and structures) with Pulaski motors, who dig ditches and prune shrubs
You know you are doing the same thing that you accuse EG of doing, Stirring up crap.

If it gets too hot; get out of the kitchen; cause the firefighters ain't gonna help you! :eek:
Trust me, I would not call "firefighters" to come save my kitchen. I would call Firemen, and they would come. If I needed ditches dug or landscaping pruned, I could call the Temp agency down the road that is advertising for "firefighters, no experience/training necessary".
That one sentance describes it all, and it is only meant to see if he can get my goat... :rolleyes: I had no melt down you dweeb, it was only to prove a point, and if it had been able to proceed, you would have had a lot of dead air space in here... ;)
That is why Moosie had to step in, he knew where it was going, but because of your whining, he saved the day... ;)
Poor Poor gunner...
Little fat rich kid. They don't get their way, so they go off hiding behind mommas apron strings... :D :D :D
Sportsman's issue?
You really don't think this area is for that do you???
I noticed as did many others that it isn't for that, at least when gunner is around, this is his personal play pen, for the week plus he was gone, the place was full of good info and excellent debate, but before he left and after he came back, it degraded into a pissing match. I'm surprised you didn't notice...Well....Actually not really...
Hey Elkcheese,

Please show me a single Topic I started that was not a "Sportsman's Issue". You are wrong on that, and you know it.

What we are watching is another of the infamous melt-downs. Kinda like the one you had last month, when you lost control. Now this month it is Paws....

Kinda sad to watch them... What a sign of weakness that somebody would come unhinged like that, and become so obsessed over another's comments.
Yep, just hang onto that thought you slug... :D
Oh, by the way, you don't have to go to Africa, your guy committed suicide... ;)

Man Commits Suicide After Sex with Hen

LUSAKA (Reuters) - A 50-year-old Zambian man has hanged himself after his wife found him having sex with a hen, police said Friday.

The woman caught him in the act when she rushed into their house to investigate a noise.

"He attempted to kill her but she managed to escape," a police spokesman said.

The man from the town of Chongwe, about 50 km (30 miles) east of Lusaka, killed himself after being admonished by other villagers.

The hen was slaughtered after the incident.

Kinda sad to watch them... What a sign of weakness that somebody would come unhinged like that, and become so obsessed over another's comments.
Sorry slug buddy, it wasn't unhinged, or a sign of weekness.
One thing you won't gode me into is losing a place on this board, it was used to make a point and a point well made it was... :D
Again the truth is the truth, and when you were gone, the debate and information that was flying in here was fantastic. The only thing that changed in this place was that you were gone....
Take a poll and see for yourself, you then can believe me or your lying eyes...
Oh, yea, you can spout crap and cut and paste whole books, but it still doesn't change the truth... ;)
By the way, why is it that you have still not taken up my offer to go to Washington and see what we discussed at an earlier date?
Or is it just hot air as is the norm.... :rolleyes:
I would suspect that would be it... :D
Hey; just cut and paste it! See how easy it is?? :D

Jesus, this is pathetic. Jesus, this is pathetic.

Jesus, this is pathetic. Jesus, this is pathetic.

And I didn't even type it once! :D
i wonder if they ate the chicken?

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