Caribou Gear

Elk rump


Dec 23, 2000
Anyone use with success the elk rump decoy from Montana Decoy? I've been thinking about picking one up, but didn't have an immediate use for it.

Now I think MT Decoy has discontinued them, but they are up on Camofire today. The smaller size seems like it would be more handy than the bigger elk decoys.
Oak it is the smallest and most versatile. You can hang it in a tree if you put a loop in the top of the metal band. .no legs necessary.

The side profile cow elk head flops over if you don't have a wire or "front leg " in it, and try to hang it. As heavy as the legs are, I look for any way not to have to carry them.

I believe miss September is replacing the butt if your assertion is correct.
Guess I better keep my stash. They could be collectors items pretty soon.
keep them away from Miller. You never know what will end up on them.
That's my favorite one. I hope that they don't get rid of it. You can easily tuck it under your arm and move. Hunting with Sweetnectar we carry them all day with us under our arms. We have crossed meadows hiding behind them with elk staring at us. I'll bet he has called 15 plus bulls in using his decoys. I would definitely get one if you can. My brothers wife found one at a garage sale for $5 :eek: Lucky sucker.
Awe heck, you cost me $60 Lawnboy. You could have waited 15 more minutes. :D
That is the best $60 you'll ever spend. Just take my advice it gets dangerious being too close to the decoy when you give a bull that estrus call. Some of them about try and jump on it.
I guess we can try it out in a little over a week Oak. ;) I don't have the rump decoy but have the head on one. I've gotten away with closing the distance on elk by just walking right up to them with it. It would be nice to have a smaller decoy though.

Lawnboy - You would walk up to the them with the rump decoy? Montana elk must moonwalk. ;)
Hey you know they're hot when they come backing on in:D I guess I meant we use all of the decoys he makes including the rump. So when you're the guy with the rump and you have to hide behind it, Hey it's all good. They don't seem to mind if your walking away,toward them. or sideways across a meadow. That would be considered the Montana sidewalk;)

The only time you'll get in trouble is when they come in and begin to circle you. When they suddenly realize that the cow is anorexic they know the gigs up and it's see ya!. But all I can say is that they work and I'll always be carrying one if I can. Good luck on your hunt. Tomorrow is the big day for us.
bought the Miss September model, only used it a little bit, and incorrectly, (On purpose 350 yards away woth a couple non-shooters). may use it in the next couple weeks. we'll see;

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