Elk Antler Growth


Active member
Dec 1, 2009
Can anyone tell me roughly how much and elks antlers will grow between the month of July and middle of August. i know that food and water and conditions apply here but a ruff number would be nice. thanks for the help
Yup, done. The points'll get sharp. I was out the other day and all the bulls I saw had white velvet.
A friend of mine just had his kid in an Arizona depredation hunt. I have not seen the pics yet but they shot a 6pt on Sunday 07/18/10 that is supposed to be around 320. I don’t think he tried to touch it to much, be he did say the tips were a little mushy up top. The Taxi is preserving the velvet, we’ll see how it goes.

I would think a bigger bull would be done by now. Rags and stuff will probably still add some inches before mid August.
suppose points could be mushy, but doubt there's much growth left, though I'm sure it varies.. This was 2 days ago..
We'll see if it stinks. Caribou in August are a little squishy on the tips. My brother has saved it 2 times. I think the main treatment everyone uses lately is a tank of methanol. You have to cut the horns off the skull though or split the skull plate.

I'd say it is 320 or better. I can't get them to stop sitting on elk.:rolleyes:


Bet that one would have grown a bit more. I think when the top end tines are no longer blunt, they are done. I'd bet there's zero horn growth in August.
Greenhorn, can you please post lat-lon of that bull...I'll watch him for you to see if he grows any more.;)