Dubya begs for the ElkGunner's Endorsement


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Dubya and Raciot are turning up the pressure and the pleas to get the Gunner's endorsement.
This was their latest groveling sent to the Trailer Park. ;) (Comments in Italics are the Gunner's... :D )

March 3, 2004

Dear Mr. Gunner,

On behalf of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, I am pleased to enclose you official Bush-Chey ‘04 Charter membership card.

Embossed with your name, this card honors you for your past support and recognizes the critical role you will play in the President’s 2004 reelection campaign. Looks like they are taking lessons from NAHC and sending the prestigous card.....

More than that, your Bush Cheney ‘04 Charter membership card is a symbol of the commitment you share with President Bush - to make our nation safe from terrorism, to expand opportunity and create jobs for all Americans seeking to realize the American Dream and to improve education and strengthen families so that no child is left behind. As long as those families look like Dubya's: Mom, Dad, two kids, silver spoons....

Mr. Gunner, it is because of these shared values and because of the support you’ve already given the President and our Party that President Bush wants you with him on the upcoming campaign. Did he mean "shared values" or "valued shares" of Halliburton??

So please accept your Charter membership card today and join me in building the strongest, most effective presidential reelection campaign effort in history. I always like a grassroots campaign that promises to spend more than any other campaign in history....

Grassroots leaders like you are the backbone of our campaign in Idaho. President Bush and Vice President Cheney are facing an unprecedented onslaught of liberal special interest money. How can money be liberal? All of mines says "In God We Trust"....

You and I must ensure our President has the support he needs to combat the vicious negative attacks from Democrats and their special interest allies. With the country closely divided politically, the 2004 election could again come down to a few thousand votes out of millions cast. And just who made sure the country is divided???

While President Bush is focused on the challenges that face America today, and the country’s business, you and I must be prepared to defend him -- and to make sure every voter knows the truth about his record and agenda for the future. Every time I post about his record, I get blasted for not being American.....

But the job is far from complete -- and the President has great goals worthy of a great nation. Yeah, maybe if he would have spent the last 3 years on some of the items he has neglected....

Ensuring Idaho is once again a “Bush win” means we must rebuild our team and it starts with your stepping forward today. You can count on Idaho being a Bush win.... with or without the Gunner's $$$$

At the same time we are working to reelect the President, we are also organizing our effort to help other Republicans on the ticket. The future of the President’s agenda rests with expanding our base in the US House and US Senate. Can you say "soft money"?

Your financial support will help:

Cover the cost of kicking off our advertising that is so important to getting our messages out. A key to our Party’s success depends on our ability to communicated directly with the voters -- we know the Bush agenda wins when we can get the truth out; March 2004 Budges: $5,000,000 More pictures of flag draped coffins....

Pay for the printing of yard signs, bumper stickers, targeted mailings and phone calls to build support for the President; March-April 2004 Budget: $2,000,000 Was gonna be a $4 million item but found a Call Center company in India that works cheap....

Fund Volunteer recruitment and training in every district; March-June 2004 Budget $1,000,000 So much for grassroots....

Identify and register 3,000,000 new Bush voters in key battleground states; March-April 2004 Budget: $2,500,000 Doesn't $0.80 per vote seem a little cheap? Isn't that insulting to Republicans??

Please help make sure the President has the resources necessary to stand up to the Democrats and their special interest allies who will stop at nothing to defeat him. No problem there, I am letting him use Air Force One for a few thousand dollars for each campaign fund raiser...

Thank you for your commitment and support. Glad to be of any help.....


/s Marc Racicot
Campaign Chairman
Tom, I think Gunner is feeling a little guilty about that and is trying to make ammends by not letting anyone else make the same mistake. ;) I shouldn't speak for him, though.

Gunner, sounds like you're a key cog in their re-election plan. Be careful with how you wield that power. ;)

I have long been one of Bush's finanical backers. Without me, he would be nothing....

It is a responsiblity I take very seriously. :D
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