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Doing it again........ I thought you were going to tell us you had another little one on the way.:eek:

good luck Mooseman. kick butt and eat some apple pies and drink some chocolate shakes.

VIVA LA McD's..........
Trucks paid for.... But it will go to my boy. He's just getting his license.

I think it's "turtle speed" ;)

the 70.3 will be a warmup. I'm putting together an 11 mile swim event . That's going to be the Arsh kicker !!! For you local boyz, it's going to be called "Dam to Dam" (The Great Moose Migration). From Arrow Rock dam to Luck Peak Dam. I have talked to Parks and Rec, Corp of Engineers, Ada County / Boise County Marine Sheriff. I'm hoping to leave the Ada county coroner off the list......Holy crap there is a lot to do for a silly event ;)

Thanks.. Anyone else doing it this year ?
Funny you mention McDonalds :

Are the two sexy slim-shady-ladies working the sign in desk again this year? I think you just participate so you can flirt with them.
What is this Try-Ass-Alon you speak of? I had to look it up on the web..


Jab, Jab , jab......

The average salary of a tri-geek is $150,000. So, you guessed who wants to do this sport--elitist pricks with bull***t jobs and money to burn. And since they often go to the same places as runners, swimmers, and cyclists, they run into these other people who don't make $150K a year with their MBA or JD and leave a very bad impression. The bottom line is that triathlon is a contrived piece of s**t sport peopled with colossal ***holes who want to claim another accomplishment for their resumes. Since they buy so much expensive s**t, equipment makers line up to market to these twits.

Heck if I had that much money, I'd just buy an auction tag....(wink)

In all seriousness though...I train running with Ironman competitors and 70.3 competitors and I'll be manning an aid station at our local 70.3 in June.

Anyway Moosie, good luck in your quest.
In all seriousness, knowing what you know now, are you going to train differently or try to beat your last time? Good luck to you!
I will be there cheering on my brother in law. If you hear somebody screaming GO MOOSIE!!! Then you know I recognized you.

11 miles of swimming open water is no joke. That would be interesting to watch It's like a running 20 miles But every time you try to take a breath someone throws a cup of water in your face. Waves suck!
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BigSky, you mean this picture ?


I really only do it for the Food at the end ....


And the Hot excited Chicks that cheer me on :

Nohar', YAh, That was a good picture to put together for my brownie points !!

2rocky.... Don't be hatin' on me because I'm better than you... that just proves I am ;)

ElkMagnet. We have a Water station with the youth from Church along the course. It's the one right by the Fire station on the green belt. They cook Hamburgers and hotdogs and is towards the end of the race on the running part. Several of my friends hang out there. Usually about 45 people. Even if they go to the swim part they end up there to see the running part. You are more then welcome to stop by and hang out there.

IDnative, YAh, so I'm not "in it to win it". I just want to race my clock. The first year without serious training I did 7h19mins. Last year I beefed up the bike training and I got 6h28m. This year I'm shooting for about 6h10m. Definately not fast by any means but I also don't make 150k a year to buy the equipment like posted above so maybe that's why ;)

I will put in a little more training to do that. More on the bike and running. Swimming doesn't matter because fast for me would be 38mins and slow 42 mins. I'd eat more time up then that drinking water at a rest stop !!!

Looking forward to the people watching........

Or dealing with all the Uppity Triathlon people. I would much rather run the race then deal with the people. there is a pile of people that donate their time. I appreciate every one of them !!!

Talking about scoring points... I did well with this Motivational picture too :

I really need to get off my arse and try a longer than sprint distance triathlon. Good luck Moosie!

Regarding the registration ladies, the first one I did when I went to pick up my packet I was asked if I was there to volunteer. That was a bit harsh on the ol' ego...
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